Configuring PPS Picking Parameters

Use the Transaction Set Maintenance form to configure parameters for the PPS Picking mobile scanner transaction.

  1. Open the Transaction Set Maintenance form.
  2. Select PPSPicking from the grid.
  3. Specify this information:
    Fill Warehouse
    Select this check box to pre-fill the warehouse on the transaction with the warehouse assigned to the user. The user can change this warehouse for a specific transaction if needed.
    Successful Message
    Select this check box to show a success message when the transaction is successfully completed.
  4. On the Transaction Parameters tab, in the Parameter and Value columns, configure these parameters:
    Allow Overpick
    Select this check box to allow users to pick a greater quantity than the required quantity.
    Today Picklist
    Select this check box to skip the manual search function and to automatically search for pick lists using the current date.
    Create Shipment
    Select this check box to allow users to create a shipment from within this transaction, thereby skipping the PPS Packing transaction.
    Select First Pick Item
    Select this check box to always use the first un-picked item on the pick list. Clear to allow the user to select an item from a list.
    Select First Picklist
    Select this check box to always use the first pick list that matches the search criteria. Clear to allow the user to select a pick list from a list.
    Sort Item
    Select this parameter to sort the pick list by item.  If the Sort Item and Sort Loc parameters are both selected, the Sort Loc parameter takes precedence.
    Sort Loc
    Select this parameter to sort the pick list by location. In most cases, you should select this parameter so pickers can pick items location by location as they walk through the factory. If the Sort Item and Sort Loc parameters are both selected, the Sort Loc parameter takes precedence.
    Confirm Item
    Select this check box to require users to confirm the item number by scanning it.
    Lot Required
    Select this check box to require users to confirm the lot number by scanning it.
    Loc Required
    Select this check box to require users to confirm the location by scanning it.
    Confirm Lot
    Select this check box to require users to confirm the lot number by scanning it.
    Confirm Loc
    Select this check box to require users to confirm the location by scanning it.
    Selection by Order
    Select this check box to allow users to search for pick lists by order number.
    Selection by Picker
    Select this check box to allow users to search for pick lists by order number.
    Selection by Pick list
    Select this check box to allow users to search for pick lists by pick list number.
    Selection by Pack location
    Select this check box to allow users to search for shipments by pack location.
    Selection by Shipments
    Select this check box to allow users to search for shipments by pick location.
  5. Optionally, on the Transaction Parameterstab, select Label Print Parameters to configure label printing parameters for this transaction.
  6. Click Save.