Configuring Elapsed Time Employee Types
The Elapsed Time Configuration fields are only displayed if Elapsed Time Data Capture is selected in the Employee types form.
- Open the Employee Types form.
If Elapsed Time Data
Capture is selected, specify this information:
- Process Method
- Select Daily or Weekly to define whether records are approved and processed for each day or for each week. If Daily is selected, each report date must be individually approved and processed. If Weekly is selected, the records for an entire week are approved and processed simultaneously.
- Manual Hours Categorization
- Select to manually categorize hours as regular time, overtime, or double time. If the check box is cleared to automatically categorize hours according to the OT Method specified on the employee's shift.
- Allow Alternate Hours Type
- This field is only displayed if Manual Hours Categorization is selected. Select to allow hours that would normally be categorized as overtime hours to be categorized as alternate hours, which are not eligible for overtime.
- Submit and Sign Off Separately
- Select this option to require employees to approve records before they can be submitted to a supervisor.
- Collect Attendance Hours
- Select this option to allow elapsed time employees to clock in and out.
- Require Attendance Hours Match Labor Hours to Process
- This field is only displayed if Collect Attendance Hours is selected. Select this option to require attendance hours to match labor hours before records can be processed.
- Allowed Variance
- This field is only displayed if Require Attendance Hours Match Labor Hours to Process is selected. Optionally, specify a variance percentage within which attendance hours and labor hours will automatically be adjusted to match. The earlier hours type will always be increased to match the later one in these cases. If the labor hours are increased, a gap fill record will be created to account for the increased time.
- Submit 40 Hour Work Week to Payroll
- Select to always report 40 hours of regular time to payroll each week, regardless of how many attendance or labor hours are recorded. Absence hours will be subtracted automatically from the hours reported to payroll.
- Restrict Employee to Current Day/Week
- Select to only allow employees to enter records on the current day or week, depending on the selected process method.