Remediation tasks

These are the problem areas that the tool attempts to fix during the Remediate phase:

  • Fix option:
    • Alter incorrect columns
    • Add missing or fix incorrect constraints (check, default, foreign key, primary key and unique).
    • Add missing or fix incorrect indexes.
    • Add missing or fix incorrect data types.
    • Add missing views (only for table-generated views).
  • Drop option:
    • Drop unapproved constraints
    • Drop unapproved indexes.
    • Drop unapproved stored procedures, functions, triggers, views, or assemblies (only for a “current” database).
  • Rename option: Rename unapproved tables and columns. This option is valid only for a “current” database. (For DL0, this option is disabled; in that case, unapproved tables and columns result in failed validation and must be corrected manually.)
    • Tables are renamed to include the AccessAs prefix defined in the manifest (ue_ for Factory Track). For example, the table named mytable would be renamed ue_mytable.
    • For a “current” database, unapproved columns are renamed to include the AccessAs prefix defined in the manifest (ue_ for Factory Track). For example, the column named mycol would be renamed ue_mycol.