About DataView Results

When data is returned from a DataView query, the results are typically displayed in a basic grid on the appropriate DataView results form:  

  • For DataView queries launched from a form, the results form is named DataView Form Results.
  • For predefined DataView queries, the results form is named DataView Results.
  • For Critical Number drilldown queries, the results form is named Drilldowns.
  • For DataSearch queries, the results form is named DataSearch.

But regardless of which type of query is being performed, these results forms are all similar in appearance. The differences lie in what you can do with the data that is returned.

See Displaying DataView results.

Options for Working with DataView Results

All DataView result forms provide options to perform these tasks:

  • Select, save, and delete layouts
  • Determine what is actually displayed, including what columns display, what other options display, whether there are groupings, and any summaries
  • Send the data to a printer, optionally after previewing the print output
  • Export the data to an Excel or PDF file
  • Filter the results further, to narrow down and locate the information you want

Additional Options for Predefined DataViews and Drilldowns

Predefined DataViews and Critical Number Drilldowns also have options to refresh the data, get more rows of data, and modify the setup for the DataView.

With these types of DataViews, you can also create your own custom columns. These columns can use calculations to further process and present the data in new ways.


Qualified system administrators can control what data and which DataViews are available to which users. This can be done two ways:

  • Filter the IDOs to be displayed during DataView creation.
  • Specify user permissions for predefined DataViews on the DataViews Setup form.

The security for form DataViews is based on the settings for the form itself.