About synchronization
Infor Mongoose allows authorized form and application developers to customize forms in a Mongoose-based application. FormSync is an aid to preserving customizations when you apply a vendor-supplied upgrade to an application. The process of handling those customizations in an upgrade is referred to as synchronization.
Synchronization replaces older versions of forms and global objects in the current forms database with newer versions. During this process, you decide how to handle any customizations of forms and global objects, at the User, Group, and Site levels. You can retain a customization, replace it with the new version, or, in some cases, edit it.
Synchronization requires two configurations: a Source configuration and a Target configuration. Synchronization takes place using the forms databases and the application databases in the two configurations.
- The Source database contains the upgrades. During synchronization, the upgrades are copied from the Source to the Target database. The Source database is used only during synchronization and does not figure subsequently in a production or development environment. Typically, the Source database is a new forms database supplied by Infor or one of its business partners; or it might be a copy of your current forms database to which you have already applied the upgrade.
- The Target database is a
copy of your current forms database that contains your customizations. During
synchronization, the Target database receives upgrades from the Source database. The
end result of the synchronization process is a Target forms database that contains
upgrades, usually merged with your customizations.
To create a Target database, first back up your current forms database and then restore a copy of it. After synchronization, this Target database serves as your new production forms database.
There are a variety of ways you can perform synchronization. You can choose to synchronize any of these:
- Forms only
- Global objects only
- The Explorer only
- Any combination of these
You can also choose to keep or replace customized versions of forms, global objects, and/or the Explorer.
After you perform your synchronization, you should always test the results of your efforts before deploying the resulting synchronized files to the production environment.