Maintaining or discarding the local metadata cache

When users log out of a session, the application caches metadata about IDOs and forms to two XML files on the local computer. The file can persist between sessions, so when users start a new session, the application uses the cached data, and users can open forms quickly.

Thesse are the metadata cache files:

  • [config]IDOMetadataCache[windowsuser].xml
  • [config]FormsMetadataCache[windowsuser].xml


  • [config] is the name of the configuration used for the session.
  • [windowsuser] is the user name (ID) of the user logged in to that session.

These files are stored in [drive]\documents and settings\[windowsuser]\Local Settings\Application Data\Infor\WinStudio on the user's computer.

Discarding the Cache

The cache files contain the last login timestamp. If the IDO or forms metadata has changed since the last login, because of software patches or new customizations, the cache must be discarded. Caches are discarded when any of these events occur:

  • The application checks the "last changed" timestamp for the IDO and forms data against the last login timestamp stored in the XML cache files. If the "last changed" timestamp is more recent than the last login timestamp, the application discards the appropriate cache.
  • If a new user using a different language logs into the application using the same local computer, the forms strings cache on the local computer is cleared automatically.
  • A user selects the Form>Definition>Unload form and global objects menu option to manually discard both caches on the local computer.
  • A system administrator clicks the Discard IDO Cache button in the Configuration Manager utility for the specified configuration(s). This changes the "last changed" timestamp for IDO metadata, so the next time users connected to that configuration log in, their IDO metadata cache is cleared.
  • A system administrator clicks the Publish Form Change button in the Configuration Manager utility for the specified configuration(s). This changes the "last changed" timestamp for forms metadata, so the next time users connected to that configuration log in, their forms metadata cache is cleared.

How "Last Changed" Timestamps are Updated

The objects database updates its "last changed" information via trigger, but the forms database does not.

Use the Configuration Manager utility's Publish Form Change button to reset the "last changed" timestamp when form changes have been applied via SQL rather than through the form server. For example, click this button when either of these events occur:

  • You create new application event handlers that suspend inserts. You may need to manually mark forms metadata as modified, because the application caches forms information about whether new operations are suspended.
  • You install an on-demand patch. (When you install a service pack, you do not need to click this button.)

Use the Configuration Manager utility's Discard IDO Metadata button to reset the "last changed" timestamp when changes have been made to IDO metadata, for example, when new IDOs have been added, or when new properties or methods have been added to existing IDOs.

Disabling Metadata Caching

Because the metadata cache could potentially consume a large amount of disk space on the local computer, system administrators can disable it by setting the Persist WinStudio Metadata Cache process default to 0 (zero).