Verify input field suggested data

1: New Item

2: New Qty

3: New Lot

4: Reason

5: Exp Date

6: Sales Date

7: Unit

8: Qty per Pkg

9: No of Pkgs

10: Total Qty

A: No. No check if match

B: Yes. Warn if not match

C: Yes. Warn if value higher

D: Yes. Warn if value lower:


F Yes. Error if not match : Yes. Error if value higher

G: Yes. Error if value lower

H: Yes. Error if value lower, warn if value higher

I: Yes. Error if value higher, warn if value lower

Note: If suggested data is blank then all work like A.
Note: The setting for 7. Attributes will apply to all attributes. For alphanumeric attributes C/D will work like B and F/G/H/I will work like E.

If field "No of Pkgs", "Qty per Pkg", "New Qty" or "Unit" is set to be verified together with "Total Qty" then the input field is verified first and if that updates "Total Qty" then also "Total Qty" is verified.

If set to be verified, "Total Qty" is verified when the total quantity is re-calculated and updated which happens when one of the following input fields are confirmed: "No of Pkgs", "Qty per Pkg", "New Qty" or "Unit".

For "No of Pkgs" and "Qty per Pkg" both input fields must have a value for "Total Qty" to be updated.