Sequence of input fields
Info fields:
7: On Hand
15: No of bal IDs
Input fields:
1: From Location
2: Item
3: Lot
4: Container
5: Quantity
6: To Location
8: Catch Wt
9: To Container
10: Packaging (To Container)
11: Unit
12: Qty per Pkg
13: No of Pkgs
14:Total Qty
Quantity and Catch Weight input fields are not displayed after selecting multiple balance IDs to move (will move the quantity displayed in the List Balance ID screen set by parm “Quantity to display”) .
Field Unit is only displayed if also field No of Pkgs is displayed. If field Unit is displayed then field Qty per Pkg will act as info field and display the conversion factor.
Fields No of Pkgs, Qty per Pkg and Total Qty:
- Fields works in combination and none of the fields will display unless all are set to display.
- If fields are included then field Total Qty will act as info field and display the calculated value No of Pkgs x Qty per Pkg + Quantity.
- If fields are included then value input in field Quantity will be added to the calculated value No of Pkgs x Qty per Pkg to get the Total Qty.
Quantity (5), Catch Wt (8), Unit (11), Qty per Pkg (12), No of Pkgs (13), Total Qty (14) and On Hand (7) fields are not applicable for container move.
If an item is sublot-controlled and the Enable option to report sublots parameter is active (>0), these fields are not displayed:
11: Unit
12: Qty per Pkg
13: No of Pkgs
14:Total Qty (info field).
Field No of Bal IDs is applicable when:
* Multiple balance IDs were selected using Select All option in the List Balance ID screen
* Container move is active, and container was selected in the List Balance ID screen