Enable option to report sublots - Values
The values for the Enable option to report sublots parameter are:
Manual (function button)
Report total on-hand without specifying sublots
Auto (when select Quantity)
Manual (function button)
Auto (when confirm Quantity other than total on-hand)
Manual (function button)
Report total on-hand without specifying sublots
Same as #1 but not possible to report total on-hand without specifying sublots
Same as #3 but not possible to report total on-hand without specifying sublots
If set to 1,2, 3, 4 or 5:
* Function button SUBLOTS is available for input field Quantity to display the Sublots screen
* Function button Numpad is not displayed
* Quantity is auto confirmed with the no of sublots selected in the sublots screen.
* For catch weight items the input field Catch Wt is an info field displaying the total catch weight of the selected sublots
- Qty per Pkg
- Unit
- No of Pkgs
- Total Qty (info)
* No potency support
* If add new line using option “Add Line”: Input fields Item, Lot and Container (if applicable) must be confirmed before Sublots option is available.
* If add new line by scanning item and no line found: Input fields Lot and Container (if applicable) must be confirmed before Sublots option is available.
* Input field Quantity can be manually confirmed with 0 if allowed (controlled by parameter “Enable option to report zero”)
If set to 1,2, 3:
* Input field Quantity can be manually confirmed with total balance ID on-hand without specifying sublots
If set to 4 or 5:
* Input field Quantity cannot be manually confirmed with total balance ID on-hand without specifying sublots
If set to 2:
* Function button SUBLOTS (if available) is automatically triggered when input field Quantity is highlighted if Quantity is not yet confirmed
If set to 3:
* Function button SUBLOTS (if available) is automatically triggered when quantity other than total on-hand is input in the Quantity input field
If set to 5:
* Function button SUBLOTS (if available) is automatically triggered when any quantity is input in the Quantity input field
If set to 3 or 5:
If Sublots screen is triggered automatically after input of a value in the Quantity input field then Remaining and Suggested quantity in the Sublots screen is based on the input value
This parameter is applicable only for sublot controlled items
This parameter is available only for M3 v16 and higher