Balance ID search - Sorting order

A maximum of 10 fields to sort by in the format N=X; N=X etc. where N = field number and X = either A for ascending or D for descending.


A. Ascending

D. Descending


MMS060MI.LstBalID / LstBalIDByOrd

1. Item number (ITNO)

2. Item name (ITDS)

3.Location (WHSL)

4. Lot number (BANO)

5. Container (CAMU)

6. Lot reference 1 (BREF)

7. Lot reference 2 (BRE2)

8. Remark (BREM)

9. Status - balance ID (STAS)

10. Allocatable (ALOC)

11. Stock zone (SLTP)

12. Location type (WHLT)

13. On-hand balance approved (STQT)

14. Movable net 1 (MVB1)

15. Movable net 2 (MVB2)

16. Allocated quantity - basic U/M (ALQT)

17. Basic unit of measure (UNMS)

18. Catch weight (CAW2)

19. Priority date (PRDT)

20. Last receipt date (IDDT)

21. Last issue date (ODDT)

22. Latest physical inventory date (INDT)

23. Physical inventory in progress (INON)

24. Reclassification date (RCLS)

25. Status item (STAT)

26. Receiving number (REPN)

31. Item description (FUDS)

32. Attribute 1 (ATV1)

33. Attribute 2 (ATV2)

34. Attribute 3 (ATV3)

35. Attribute 4 (ATV4)

36. Attribute 5 (ATV5)

Note: Item description (31) and Attribute fields (32-36) are available only for M3 16+