Extra info - Line 1

Set max 3 extra info fields to display in the format N=X; N=X;N=X.

N= field number and X= length in no of characters (including unit where applicable)

Tile format: Info is displayed in an extra line.

Grid format: Info is displayed as extra columns added after existing columns.



1: Lot reference 1 (BREF) "Ref 1"

2: Lot reference 2 (BRE2) "Ref 2"

3: Remark (BREM) "Remk"

4: Allocatable (ALOC) "Abl"

5: Location type (WHLT) "Loc Tp"

6: Movable net 1 (MVB1) “Allocbl” + Unit (UMNS)

7: Movable net 2 (MVB2) “Movbl” + Unit (UNMS)

8: Allocated Quantity (ALQT) “Alloctd” + Unit (UNMS)

9: Catch Weight (CAW2) ”CW” + CW Unit (CWUN)

10: Priority Date (PRDT) "Prio"

11: Last receipt date (IDDT) "Rec Dt"

12: Last issue date (ODDT) "Is Dt"

13: Latest phys inv date (INDT) "Inv Dt"

14: Phys inv in progress (INON) "Inv Pr"

15: Reclass date (RCLS) "Rcl Dt"

16: Status item (STAT) "Itm Sts"

17: Stock zone (SLTP) "Zone"

18: ABC class freq (ABFC) "ABC"

19: Phys Inv no (STNB) "Inv No"

20: Outer package no (OPAN) "Out Pkg"

21: Qty in alt unit 1 (N/A) “Qty” + Unit

22: Qty in alt unit 2 (N/A) “Qty” + Unit

23: Qty in alt unit 3 (N/A) “Qty” + Unit

Fields Qty in alt unit N (21/22/23): Displays quantity set in the “Quantity to display” parameter is re-calculated into alternate unit that is set in the “Extra info - Alt unit N” parameter. Quantity in three different alternate units can be displayed. Quantity in alternate unit is only displayed if all records in the List Balance ID screen is for the same item.

Date fields (10-15): Date format is controlled by the “Date display format" parameter.

Fields Movable net 1 (6), Movable net 2 (7) and Allocated quantity (8):

* If parameter "Display Unit" = 2 (reporting unit) and reporting unit is activate then these fields are displayed in reporting unit