Using the Search Screen
Use this screen to search for order lines to receive, or specific package to receive.
To search for order lines, specify a value in the Search field or filter field
or both. In the Search
field, you can scan a supplier, delivery number, delivery note number, order
number, item number, lot number, container, package number, report no, work
center, customer or receiving no. To specify filter criteria, specify values in
one or more of these filter fields:
- Order Type
- Select one or more order types.
- Supplier
- For purchase orders, specify a supplier. For distribution orders, specify a supplying warehouse.
- Delivery
- For purchase orders, specify a supplier. For distribution orders and requisition orders, specify a supplying warehouse.
- Order
- Scan an order number.
- Item
- Scan an item number.
- Lot
- Scan a lot number. This field only applies to distribution orders, manufacturing orders, requisition orders, by products, customer returns.
- Container
- Scan a container number. This field only applies to distribution orders and requisition orders.
- Package
- This field only applies when you are searching for a specific package to receive.
- Receiving No
- Specify the receiving number.
- Report no
- Specify the report number.
- Work center
- Specify the work center.
- From date
- Specify the from date.
- To date
- Specify the to date.
- Status (MO)
- Specify the status for MO order type.
- Status (BY)
- Specify the status for BY order type.
- Status (PO)
- Specify the status for PO order type.
- Customer
- Specify the related customer.
Note:- The search is automatically run when you scan a value in the Search field.
- If input field Report No is populated with other filter fields, Cannot combine Report No with other filter
fields message is displayed.
- If the input field Order type is set to MO or BY, then the application checks for the respective MO or BY package. And if one record is returned, the Receive Line screen is displayed
- If input field Package is populated with other filter fields, Cannot combine Package with other filter
fields message is displayed.
- If the input field Order type is set to DO or PO, then the application checks for the respective DO or PO package. If the application validates for a single DO or PO record, then the respective DO or PO screen is displayed with confirmed package and scanned data.
- If input field Package or Report no are not populated and the Order type contains any one of the different type(PO, DO, MO, BY, RO or CR) then the application checks for the respective order type record. The data is saved in database if any record is available.
To search for a specific package to receive, scan a package
number or SSCC number in the Search field or in the Package filter field.
Note: For distribution orders, the scanned package number is based on the number provided by the supplying warehouse. For purchase orders, it is based on the package information linked to the delivery note in PPS360 (M3 Supplier Delivery Note. Open) as specified by the supplier.
Select Next to run the search.
If you are searching using search field, the transaction searches for them according to the sequence specified by the Search field search sequence parameter. Search results are limited by any filter fields that contain data, and those fields are excluded from the search sequence used for the Search field. For example, if the search sequence is set up to search first for suppliers, then items, and then order numbers, and you specify value A in the Item filter field, and then scan value B in the Search field, the search first looks for order lines with supplier B and item A. Then the application looks for order lines with order number B and item A. The application does not look for order lines with an item value of B because you specified A in the Item filter field. If the search finds one or more matches, the application stops the search sequence and list the results. However, if you include both purchase orders and distribution orders in the Order Type field, the search always looks for matches for both order types at each step in the search sequence and lists results for both order types when the application finds a match.
Only order lines containing values that match the specified search criteria are found. Either an order line is automatically selected from the results and displayed on the Receive Line screen, or the search results are displayed on the Lines screen.
If you are searching for a specific package, the Receive Package screen is displayed.