Using the Report Putaway Screen
Use this screen to report the put away of a balance ID.
Specify or review this information:
- Item
- The item number is displayed.
- Lot
- If applicable, the lot number is displayed.
- Container
- If applicable, the container is displayed
- Quantity
- Specify the quantity you are putting away. Depending on the parameters setting, this value can be automatically specified and confirmed.
- Catch Weight
- Specify the catch weight value with unit of measurement.
- To Location
- Specify a destination for the balance ID. Depending on the parameters settings, this value can be automatically specified and confirmed.
- Select Next to report the quantity you are putting away. Depending on the parameters settings, the put away can be reported automatically when you confirm values in all the required fields. The List Balance ID screen is displayed again, if there are remaining balance IDs to be put away on the List Balance ID screen. Otherwise, the List Putaway Tasks screen is displayed.
- If the item is successfully reported/retrieved, the Putaway reported. Putaway task created message is displayed. This message is displayed on the List Putaway Task screen, if the item is auto-selected.
- Select the Putaway tasks to report/update using the List Putaway Tasks Screen
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