Using the Report Move screen
Use this screen to report the move of a balance ID or a container.
If you are moving a balance ID, confirm the quantity in the Quantity field. The quantity can be configured to be automatically confirmed using these possible values:
- fixed (any numeric)
- total on-hand quantity
- on-hand quantity less than the allocated quantity
- on-hand quantity less than the pick list quantity and pending putaway quantity
If you are moving a full container, the Quantity field is not displayed.
Specify the Catch Wt
quantity. Specify the quantity after the Quantity field is confirmed.
- This logic is required because in M3, the user is allowed to specify the Catch Weight only after the entire balance ID is moved to another location.
- If confirmed quantity is less than On-hand balance approved, Catch wt field is not displayed.
- If confirmed quantity is equal to On-hand balance approved, Catch wt field is displayed.
Confirm the location in the To location field. The location can be configured to be automatically confirmed using a pre-defined or system suggested value.
This information is displayed for the balance ID or the container:
- From location
- Item number
- Lot number, if applicable
- Container number, if applicable
If required, select Next to report the movement of the balance
ID or the container. Depending on the parameter settings, the movement of the
balance ID or the container can be reported automatically when you confirm the
values in all required fields. After the move of Balance ID and container is
reported, the related screen is displayed. If there are more Balance IDs to be
moved on the List Balance ID screen, the
List Balance ID screen is displayed
again. Otherwise, the Search Balance ID
screen is displayed.
Specify the To container field, if the field is
Note: The To container field is disabled if the item is not container managed, or the location is not container managed.
Specify the amount for the On-hand field.
Note: The On-hand field is displayed, if the Sequence of input/info fields parameter is specified.
Specify the To container field, if the field is
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