Using the Report/Update Putaway Task screen
Use this screen to report or update a selected putaway task.
On the Report Putaway screen this information fields are displayed:
- Type
- The type of crossdock where the putaway task is created.
- Lot
- If applicable, the lot number is displayed.
This field is hidden if selected multiple putaway task.
- Container
- If applicable, the lot number is displayed.
This field is hidden if selected multiple putaway task.
For the following fields below, information is displayed only if crossdock type is set to 1,2 or 3 and if there's demand delivery number.
This field is hidden if selected multiple putaway task.
- Departure date/time
- Delivery method
- Route
- Delivery / Shipment
- Customer
- Customer name
- Loading door
- Demand order/line/subline
- Last Pack Location
- Last Dock Location
- Select Location and specify values in this field. The user can also use the Browse button to select from the list.
- Click Next after the field is confirmed. Depending on the parameter settings, the putaway can be reported automatically when you confirm the values in all the required fields. After the putaway is reported, the Putaway task reported message is displayed in the List Putaway Task screen if there are any remaining task, else the Lines screen is displayed.
On the Update Putaway Task screen this information field
is displayed:
- Type
- The type of crossdock where the putaway task is created.
Specify information to these fields:
- Location
- The name of the location. The user can specify the location or use the Browse button to select the location.
- Wave
- If this field is not displayed in the list, the screen is automatically updated with a fixed value "FTM3".
- Click Next after all fields are confirmed. Depending upon the parameter settings, the putaway is updated automatically when you confirm values in the required field. After the putaway is updated, the Putaway task updated message is displayed in the List Putaway Tasks screen if there are remaining task, else the Lines screen is displayed.