Shipment Loading Transaction

You can use the Shipment Loading transaction to update shipment (connect to a loading platform, disconnect from load platform, open a shipment, close a shipment, report all pick lists in a shipment and print all shipment documents). For more information about customizing this transaction, see Configuring Shipment Loading Transaction Parameters

This transaction is comprises of these screens:

To open the Shipment Loading transaction, select a transaction profile associated with the transaction from the main menu.

Search Shipments

Use this screen to search for a shipment to update.

Search Shipments screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto trigger Next when all fields confirmed

0: No

1: Yes

1 0
Date format From/To Date display















A. None (e.g. “YYMMDD”)

B. Period (e.g. “YY.MM.DD”)

C. Dash (e.g. “YY-MM-DD”)

D. Slash (e.g. “YY/MM/DD”)

E. Space (e.g. “YY MM DD”)

From/To Date is entered using no of days and not the actual date. This parameter controls the display of the calculated date (today +/- the entered number of days).

1=C 7=A
Default data for input field From date

Numeric value (single): Departure date is set as the number of days back from the current date.

Shipment is included in search if From date < Departure date and To date > Departure date.

The value set in this parameter is applicable even if input field “From Date” is not set in parameter “Sequence of filter fields”.

14 300
Default data for input field Loading Door

Any loading door

GATE03 Blank (no default)
Default data for input field Open/Closed

0 = Open. (include only open shipments)Default data for input field Open/Closed

1 = Closed (include only closed shipments)

2 = All (include both open and closed shipments)

1 2
Default data for input field Place of load

Any place If not set, it takes the place of the load = user’s current warehouse

METROPOLIS Place of loading from current warehouse
Default data for input field Ready for loading

0 = No (include only shipments that are not ready for loading)

1 = Yes (include only shipments that are ready for loading)

2 = All (include both, the shipments that are not ready and the shipments that are ready for loading)

1 2
Default data for input field Route Any route ROUT66 Blank (no default)
Default data for input field Shipment status (highest)
Numeric value (range)
Note: Set this to ”N-N” or N to include only status N.
30-60 Blank (include all)
Default data for input field Shipment status (lowest)
Numeric value (range)
Note: Set this to ”N-N” or N to include only status N.
10-30 Blank (include all)
Default data for input field To date Numeric value (single)

Default data for input Departure date is set as the number of days starting from the current date.

Shipment is included in search if From date < Departure date and To date > Departure date.

The value set in this parameter is applicable even if To Date input field is not set in parameter “Sequence of filter fields”.

14 300
Numeric keypad - Activate negative sign

1: From Date

2: To Date

A: No

B: Yes

1=B;2=B 1=A;2=A
Numeric keypad - Enable

1: From Date

2: To Date

A: No

B: Yes

C: Yes and auto display when field is selected.

1=C;2=B 1=B;2=B
Search field search sequence

1 Shipment

2 Delivery

3 Package

4 Route

5 Loading Door

6 Transport Equipment

1;4;3 1;2;3;4;5;6
Sequence of filter fields

1 Search

2 Shipment

3 Delivery

4 Package

5 Route

6 Loading Door

7 Transport Equipment

8 From Date

9 To Date

1;3;2;5 1;2;3;4;5;6;7
Note: If you do not specify a parameter value, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.

For instructions on configuring parameters that affect this screen, see Configuring Shipment Loading Transaction Parameters.

List Shipments screen

Use this screen to list shipments that matches the search criteria specified on the previous screen. The shipments list displayed on this screen reflect the results of the search performed on the Search Shipments screen.

List Shipments screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Action when pressing Select

1 = Display Update Shipment screen

2 = Display List Packages screen

2 1
Auto select first record

0: No

1: Always Yes

2: Yes, if there is only one record in the list. Also applies after the filter.

3: Yes. If one record in the list after filtering.

If set to 2: Auto select is triggered when there is one record in the list irrespective of the list being displayed first or after a filter scan.

If set to 3: Auto select is triggered when there is one record in the list after a filter scan. Auto select is not triggered when there is one record in the list and the list is first displayed.

2 0
Note: If you do not specify a parameter value, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.

For instructions on configuring parameters that affect this screen, see Configuring Shipment Loading Transaction Parameters.

Update Shipment screen

Use this screen to update shipment by connecting to a loading platform, disconnect from load platform, open a shipment, close a shipment, report all pick lists in a shipment or print all shipment documents..

Update Shipment screen parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto confirm input field data


1. Loading Door (Connect)

2. Loading Door (Disconnect)

3. Loading Door (Open)

4. Loading Door (Close)

5. Loading Door (Report)

6. Loading Door (Print)

7. Loading Door (Update)

8. Seal No

9. Forward Agent


A: No. The user must confirm the value either by scanning or by entering the data manually.

B : Yes. The value is confirmed automatically.

C : Yes. The value is confirmed automatically, if the suggested data is not blank.

D : Yes. The value is confirmed automatically, if the suggested data is blank.

1=A; 2=B; 3=B;4=B;5=B; 6=B 1=A; 2=A;3=A;4=A;5=A;6=A;7=A;8=A;9=A
Auto trigger Next when all fields confirmed

0: No

1: Yes

1 0
Default data for input field Action

1. Connect loading door

2. Disconnect loading door

3. Open shipment

4. Close shipment

5. Report shipment

6. Print documents

7. Update shipment

Action 2 (Disconnect) is not available if Shipment is ready for loading = 0 (No)

Action 3 (Open shipment) is not available if shipment is already open

Action 4 (Close shipment) is not available if shipment is already closed

Action 6 (print delivery documents) can be set to use a specific Print Delivery Documents profile by using format “6;ProfileID”

1 or 6; PDD1 Blank (no default)
Enable option to split shipment

0 = No

1 = Yes. Warning.

2 = Yes. No warning.

Shipment can be split when shipment is closed if loading is incomplete (i.e. not all packages/lines are loaded)

0 1
Mandatory input fields

1: Seal No

2: Forwarding Agent

The Loading Door field is mandatory when displayed.

1;2 Blank
Populate scan field with suggested data

1: Loading Door

2: Seal No

3: Forwarding Agent

1;3 Blank
Screen to display after update

1= Update Shipment (stay and refresh screen)

2= List Shipments

3= Search Shipments

Note: If set to 2 (List Shipments) and there are no longer any shipments matching the search criteria, then the Search Shipments screen is displayed.
1 2
Sequence of Actions

1. Connect loading door

2. Disconnect loading door

3. Open shipment

4. Close shipment

5. Report shipment

6. Print documents

7. Update shipment

Action 2 (Disconnect) is not available if Shipment ready for loading = 0 (No)

Action 3 (Open) is not available if shipment is already open

Action 4 (Close) is not available if shipment is already closed

Action 6 (print delivery documents) can be set to use a specific Print Delivery Documents profile by using format “6=ProfileID”

1;4;5;6=PDD15 1;2;3;4;5;6;7
Sequence of input fields

Input fields:

1 Loading Door

2 Action

9 Seal No

10 Forwarding Agent

Info fields

3 Departure date + time

4 Route

5 Loaded Pkgs / Packed Pkgs

6 Loaded Lines / Pick lines

7 Status

8 Ready for loading

Field 7 (Status) displays two parts in format “Part 1 / Part 2”.

Part 1:

Lowest status - shipment

If =10 or 20 or 30: More to pack

If =40 or 50: Pack complete

If =60: Ship reported

If =90 Ship cancelled

Part 2:

Shipment open: Open

Shipment closed: Closed

1;5;4;3;2 3;4;5;6;7;8;1;2
Suggest data for input field Forward Agent

Any forwarding agent

*CUR (current value)

This parameter only applies to the action “Connect loading door” and "Update". For all the other actions this parameter works as “*CUR”.

*CUR or ABC123 Blank (nothing suggested)
Suggest data for input field Loading Door

Any loading door

*CUR (current loading door)

This parameter only applies to the action “Connect loading door” and "Update". For all the other actions this parameter works as “*CUR” and loading door is suggested with current loading door from the shipment.

GATE03 or *CUR Blank (no default)
Suggest data for input field Seal No

Any seal no

*CUR (current value)

This parameter only applies to the action “Connect loading door” and "Update". For all the other actions this parameter works as “*CUR”.

*CUR or ABC123 Blank (nothing suggested)
Verify input field suggested data


1 Loading Door (Connect)

2 Loading Door (Update)

3 Seal No

4 Forward Agent


A No. Do not check if it matches

B Yes. Warn if it does not match

E Yes. Error if it does not match

If suggested data is blank, then all the options work like A.

This parameter only applies for the action Connect. For all the other actions (Disconnect, Open, Close, Report, Print and Blank action) option E (error if not match) is always used

1=B;3=E 1=A;2=A;3=A;4=A
Note:  If you do not specify a parameter value, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used. .

For instructions on configuring parameters that affect this screen, see Configuring Shipment Loading Transaction Parameters.

Packages to Load/Loaded Packages

Use this screen to list packages connected to the selected shipment.

Packages to Load/Loaded Packages Parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Action when pressing Select

0= None. For information only

1= Display Load/Unload screen

If the package is loaded: Unload screen is displayed

If the package is not loaded: Load screen is displayed

0 1
Auto select first record

0: No

1: Yes. Always

2: Yes. Only if one record is in the list. It also applies after filtering.

3: Yes. If one record in the list after filtering.

If set to 2: Auto select is triggered when there is one record in the list irrespective of the list being displayed first or after a filter scan.

If set to 3: Auto select is triggered when there is one record in the list after a filter scan. Auto select is not triggered when there is one record in the list and the list is first displayed.

2 0
Enable option to auto refresh list
0: No. Manual possible.
  • No auto refresh of entire list.
  • Record affected by reporting is auto updated.
  • Manual refresh possible using Function option.
1: Yes. Manual possible.
  • Auto refresh of entire list.
  • Manual refresh possible using Function option.
2: Yes. Manual not possible.
  • Auto refresh of entire list.
  • Manual refresh not possible.
3: No. Manual possible.
  • No auto refresh of entire list.
  • Manual refresh possible using the Function option.
  • Same as option 0 but no API call to check status of record affected by reporting. Record is always updated with new loaded/unloaded status after reporting (less API calls). Location is display as blank after unload (since no API call to get location).

If set to 0 or 1 or 2 or 3: List refresh is not auto triggered when the Back option is clicked from the subsequent screen.

If set to 0 or 3:
  • Single record refresh is auto triggered when list screen is displayed after reporting.
  • If set to 0: Refresh is based on the API call.
  • If set to 3: Refresh is not based on the API call.
0 2
Enable option to load package from other shipment

0= No

1= Yes. Warning displayed.

2= Yes. No warning displayed.

2 1
List to display

1 = List packages to load. Enable options to list loaded packages.

2 = List packages to load. No options to list loaded packages.

3 = List loaded packages. Enable options to list packages to load.

4= List loaded packages. No option to list packages to load

3 1
Sorting order

Set max 10 fields to sort by in the format N=X; N=X etc

N= Field number

X= A for ascending or D for descending.


A Ascending

D Descending


1 Location

2 Package


4 Packaging

5 Place sequence number for unloading (MULS)

6 Unloading sequence within place (SULS)

7 Weight (GRWE)

8 Volume

5=D;6=D;1=A;2=A 1=A;2=A
Note:  If you do not specify a parameter value, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used. .

For instructions on configuring parameters that affect this screen, see Configuring Shipment Loading Transaction Parameters.

Load/Unload Package (E) Screen

Use this screen to load package on shipment or unload package from shipment.

Load/Unload Package Parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto confirm input field data

1 Package

2 Loading door

A No. Requires confirmation by scan/enter data.

B Yes. Always auto confirm field.

C Yes. Auto confirm field if suggested data = NOT blank.

D Yes. Auto confirm field if suggested data = blank.

If the package is scanned in the List Packages screen to filter and auto select a record, then the package input field is auto confirmed in the Load/Unload screen

1=A;2=B 1=A;2=A
Auto trigger Next when all fields confirmed

0: No

1: Yes.

1 0
Populate scan field with suggested data

1: Package

2: Loading Door

1;2 Blank
Remember input field data


1 Loading door


A. Yes. Auto confirm

Input field data is remembered until a new shipment is selected in the List Shipments screen (or until exit transaction)

1=A Blank (no default)
Sequence of input fields

Input fields:

1 Package

2 Loading door

Info fields:

3 From location

4 Departure date/time

5 Delivery method

6 Route

7 Delivery

8 Customer

9 Customer name

10 Delivery pack status

11 Weight

12 Volume

4;5;6;2;1 3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;1;2
Note:  If you do not specify a parameter value, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.