Scan to Count Transaction

Scan to Count is triggered from the Report Pick Line or Report Pick Line Aggregated screen

Scan to Count Transaction parameters

Parameter Name Values Example Default Value
Auto trigger DONE

1: Remaining > 0 after count

2: Remaining = 0 after count

3: Remaining < 0 after count


A: No. No message or notification of trigger.

B: No. Display count complete. Displays the count complete message with notification and also confirm quantity.

C: Trigger done with notification and confirm quantity.

When set to A or B, User must select Done to leave the count screen and confirm the Quantity input field after counting is confirmed.

1=A;2=C;3=A 1=A;2=C;3=C
Catch weight input

0: No

1: Yes.

When set to 1,

  • If the Catch Wt is displayed in the calling screen, the Scan to Count screen is displayed in Catch weight mode
  • In the Catch weight mode, the Total Qty field is displayed as Counted/To be counted and Catch Wt as Counted Catch weight.
  • In catch weight mode, the Catch Weight can be updated by scanning a multi data barcode containing catch weight value
  • Catch weight can be updated at the same time as quantity if a multi data barcode containing catch weight is scanned and at least one mapped field is part of the Search sequence.
    Note: All mapped fields must match for the count to be valid.
  • Catch weight can be updated without updating quantity if the multi data barcode is scanned with only catch weight mapped to the count screen.
  • Catch weight can be updated at the same time as quantity if a multi data barcode containing only Catch weight is scanned with Catch weight being part of the Search sequence.
1 0
Display item description

0: No

1: Yes

If set to 1:
  • An extra line with item description is displayed below the item name.
  • If item description is blank the extra line is not displayed.
  • Extra spaces in the item description are removed and includes single spaces.
  • This parameter is only available for M3 16+
  • This parameter is applicable for these transactions:
    • Receive
    • Count
    • Move
    • Pick and Pack
    • Warehouse Move
  • When Scan to Count is triggered from Pick and Pack transaction, this parameter is not applicable if Enable picking/packing by shipment parameter on the Search Pick Lists screen of Pick and Pack transaction is active and the pick list lines are listed based on the Shipment search and the Pick Lists screen is skipped.
1 0
Enable option to count more than remaining

0: No

1: Yes. Always

2: Yes. Warns for the first overcount

3: Yes. Warns for every overcount

If set to 0, it is not possible to count more than remaining.

If set to 1, 2, or 3: it is possible to count more than remaining.

If set to 2, a warning message is displayed only for the first overcount occurrence if count is more than the remaining.

If set to 3, a warning message is displayed for each overcount occurrence if count is more than the remaining.

0 1
Enable option to toggle positive/negative count

0: No

1: Yes.

If set to 1, REMOVE option is displayed which changes to Remove mode where any count is subtracted instead of added. The ADD option is displayed in the Remove mode which changes back to Add mode when count is added.

In Catch Weight mode also, Catch weight can be removed.

0 1
Fields to auto confirm when container is confirmed

1: Location

2: Item

3: Lot

2;3 Blank
Fields to auto confirm when lot is confirmed

1: Location

2: Item

3: Container

2;3 Blank
Force count by lot/container

1: Lot. If Lot is displayed, only lot can be used to increase the count even though the container is displayed.

2: Container. If Container is displayed, only container can be used to increase the count even though the lot is displayed.

3. Lot and Container. Lot is applied. If Lot is displayed (but not Container) only Lot can be used to increase the count. If Container is displayed (but not Lot) only Container can be used to increase the count. If Lot and Container are displayed only Lot can be used to increase the count.

4. Lot and Container. Container is applied. If Lot is displayed (but not Container) only Lot can be used to increase the count. If Container is displayed (but not Lot) only Container can be used to increase the count. If Lot and Container are displayed only Container can be used to increase the count.

5. Lot and Container. Both can be applied. If Lot is displayed (but not Container) only Lot can be used to increase the count. If Container is displayed (but not Lot) only container can be used to increase the count. If Lot and Container are displayed either Lot or Container can be used to increase the count.

Options 1 to 5 are also applicable if the suggested value is blank.

3 Blank
Numeric keypad - Activate negative sign

1: Quantity

A: No

B: Yes

1=B 1=A
Numeric keypad - Enable

1: Quantity

A: No

B: Yes

C: Yes and auto display when Scan to Count screen is displayed.

If 1 is set to B or C, Numeric keypad is available when Quantity is in the Search sequence parameter

If 1 is set to C, Numeric keypad is automatically displayed when Scan to Count screen is displayed and Quantity is part of the Search sequence parameter

1=A 1=B
Search sequence

1: Location

2: Item

3: Lot

4: Container

5: Quantity (add input value to quantity, set max value +/-)

6: Item alias

7: Anything (any scan will add 1 to quantity)

8: Catch Wt (add 1 to quantity)

9. Item alias unit/quantity

If set to 8, scanning Catch Weight N as a part of multi data barcode adds 1 to the quantity and N to Catch Weight if Catch weight mode is Active.

Location is not applicable in the Receive and Putaway transaction.

2;3;4;5=200 Blank
Sequence of input fields
  1. Item
  2. Lot
  3. Container

These fields are displayed only in the calling screen.

Location is not applicable in the Receive and Putaway transactions.

3;1 1;2;3;4
Task area layout

1: Add

2: Subtract

A: Remain (unit) + Total Qty

B: Total Qty (unit) + Remain

C: Total (unit)

D: Remain (unit)

E: Total Qty/Suggested

In Catch Weight mode, Total Qty is displayed as Counted/To be counted and Catch Weight is displayed as Counted catch weight irrespective of this parameter.

1=B;2=C 1=A;2=A