Sequence of input fields

Info fields:

1: Location

2: Item

3: Lot

4: Container

5: Quantity

6: Allocated quantity

Input fields:

7: Allocatable

8: Status

9: New Item

10: New Lot

11: New Qty

12: Reason

13: Lot Reference 1

14: Lot Reference 2

15: Remark

16: Expiration date

17: Sales date

18: Unit

19: Qty per Pkg

20: No of Pkgs

21: Total Qty

Field Unit is only displayed if also field No of Pkgs is displayed. If field Unit is displayed then field Qty per Pkg acts as info field and display the conversion factor.

Fields No of Pkgs, Qty per Pkg and Total Qty:

* Fields work in combination and none of the fields display unless all are set to display.

* If fields are included then field Total Qty acts as info field and display the calculated value No of Pkgs x Qty per Pkg + New Qty