Delivery Note Transaction
You can use the Delivery Note transaction to receive an entire delivery note, an individual package, or multiple packages linked to a delivery note.
This transaction is comprises of these screens:
- Search Delivery Notes Screen
- List Delivery Notes Screen
- List Packages Screen
- Receive Package Screen
- Receive Delivery Notes Screen
Search Delivery Notes Screen
This screen is used to search supplier delivery notes.
Search Delivery Notes Screen parameters
Parameter Name | Values | Example | Default Value |
Auto trigger Next when all fields confirmed |
0: No 1: Yes |
1 | 0 |
Date format From/To Date display |
Format 1: YYYYMMDD 2: YYYYDDMM 3: MMYYYYDD 4: MMDDYYYY 5: DDYYYYMM 6: DDMMYYYY 7: YYMMDD 8: YYDDMM 9: MMYYDD 10: MMDDYY 11: DDYYMM 12: DDMMYY Separator A. None (e.g. “YYMMDD”) B. Period (e.g. “YY.MM.DD”) C. Dash (e.g. “YY-MM-DD”) D. Slash (e.g. “YY/MM/DD”) E. Space (e.g. “YY MM DD”) From/To Date is entered using no of days and not the actual date. This parameter controls the display of the calculated date (today +/- the entered number of days). |
1=C | 7=A |
Default data for input field From date |
Numeric value(single= no of days back in time) The value set in this parameter applies even if input field ”From Date” is not set in the Sequence of filter fields parameter. |
14 | 300 |
Default data for input field Status High |
Any status (single or range) 29: Invalid data 46: Advised 47: Notified 48: Staged 50: Goods received If input single value = same from and to value, for example, “50” same as “50-50). |
46-50 or 50 |
00-99 |
Default data for input field Status Low |
Any status (single or range) 29: Invalid data 46: Advised 47: Notified 48: Staged 50: Goods received If input single value = same from and to value, for example, “46” same as “46-46). |
46-47 or 47 |
00-99 |
Default data for input field To date |
Numeric value (single= no of days forward in time) The value set in this parameter applies even if input field ”To Date” is not set in the Sequence of filter fields parameter. |
14 | 300 |
Numeric keypad - Activate negative sign |
1: From Date 2: To Date A: No B: Yes |
1=B;2=B | 1=A;2=A |
Numeric keypad - Enable |
1: From Date 2: To Date A: No B: Yes C: Yes and auto display when field is selected. |
1=C;2=B | 1=B;2=B |
Search field search sequence |
1: Delivery Note 2: Supplier 3: Package |
3;1 | 1;2;3 |
Sequence of filter fields |
1: Search 2: Delivery Note 3: Supplier 4: Package 5: From Date 6: To Date |
2;1;5;6 | 1;2;3;4;5;6 |
List Delivery Notes Screen
This screen lists supplier delivery notes based search in the previous screen.
List Delivery Notes Screen parameters
Parameter Name | Values | Example | Default Value |
Action when pressing Select |
0: Select not available 1: Display List Packages screen 2: Display Receive Delivery note screen |
0 | 1 |
Auto select first record |
0: No 1: Yes - always 2: Yes - if only one record is listed. Also applies after filtering. 3: Yes - if one record in the list after filtering. |
1 | 0 |
Enable option to auto refresh list |
0: No. No auto refresh. Manual refresh only (function button). 1: Yes. Auto refresh. Manual refresh possible (function button). 2: Yes. Auto refresh only. If set to 0: A function button (Refresh) is displayed that triggers a refresh of the list. If set to 1: A function button (Refresh) is displayed and refresh is automatically triggered when list is displayed after reporting. Refresh is not automatically triggered when list is displayed after pressing Back from a subsequent screen. If set to 2: No function button (Refresh) is displayed. Refresh is automatically triggered when list is displayed after reporting. Refresh is not automatically triggered when list is displayed after pressing Back from a subsequent screen. |
2 | 0 |
Extra info - Labels |
Set alternative label for extra field. Format: N=X;N=X;N=X where N = field number, X = new label, set to *blank to display info without label. Label (X) is in upper case by default. Use prefix “^” to use lower case with first character in each word in upper case. For example, “N=ABC DE” is displayed as “ABC DE” in the device. “N=^ABC DE” is displayed as “Abc De”. Fields: PPS360MI.LstHeadBySts / PPS360MI.LstHeadByPack
1=PLAN DEL; 2=*blank; 3=^REC
DT Note: “^REC DT”
is displayed as “Rec Dt” in the device.
Blank (default labels are used). |
Extra info - Line 1 |
Set max 3 extra info fields to display Format: N=X;N=X;N=X where N = field number, X = length in number of characters (including unit where applicable). Tile format: Info is displayed in an extra line. Grid format: Info is displayed as extra columns added after existing columns. Fields configured in this parameter is used for filtering records.
Note: Extra info fields are not supported for multi data
Fields: PPS360MI.LstHeadBySts / PPS360MI.LstHeadByPack
Date fields (1-3): Date format is controlled by parameter “Date display format”. |
1=12;2=12;3=15 or 2=23;1=12 or 3=105 |
Blank |
Date display format |
Format 0. Relative (+/- no of days from today) 1. YYYYMMDD 2. YYYYDDMM 3. MMYYYYDD 4. MMDDYYYY 5. DDYYYYMM 6. DDMMYYYY 7. YYMMDD 8. YYDDMM 9. MMYYDD 10. MMDDYY 11. DDYYMM 12. DDMMYY Separator A. None (Example: “YYMMDD”) B. Period (Example: “YY.MM.DD”) C. Dash (Example: “YY-MM-DD”) D. Slash (Example: “YY/MM/DD”) E. Space (Example: “YY MM DD”) |
7=B | 0 |
Sorting order |
A maximum of 10 fields can be set in the format N=X; N=X and so on where N= field number and X= either A for ascending or D for descending. Logic:
Fields: PPS360MI.LstHeadBySts / PPS360MI.LstHeadBYPack 1:Delivery note (SUDO) 2: Supplier (SUNO) 3:Delivery note date (DNDT) 4: Lowest status (PUSL) 5:Highest status (PUST) 6: Planned delivery date (DLDT) 7: Requested departure date (SHD4) 8: Receipt date (RCDT) |
4=D;6=A;3=D | 3=A;1=A;2=A (Date / Delivery note / Supplier) |
List Packages Screen
This screen is used to list packages on selected delivery note.
List Packages Screen parameters
Parameter Name | Values | Example | Default Value |
Action when pressing Select |
0: Select not available (screen is for info only) 1: Display Stage/Receive package screen. |
0 | 1 |
Auto select first record |
0: No 1: Yes. Always. 2: Yes. If only one record in list. Also applies after filtering. 3: Yes. If one record in the list after filtering. |
1 | 0 |
Auto trigger SELECT ALL |
0: No 1: Yes. This parameter takes precedence of the “Auto select first record” parameter and is not dependent on “Enable option select all” parameter. |
1 | 0 |
Enable option to auto refresh list |
0: No. No auto refresh. Manual refresh only (function button). 1: Yes. Auto refresh. Manual refresh possible (function button). 2: Yes. Auto refresh only. If set to 0: A function button (Refresh) is displayed that triggers a refresh of the list. If set to 1: A function button (Refresh) be displayed and refresh is automatically triggered when list is displayed after reporting. Refresh is not automatically triggered when list is displayed after pressing Back from a subsequent screen. If set to 2: No function button (Refresh) is displayed. Refresh is automatically triggered when list is displayed after reporting. Refresh is not automatically triggered when list is displayed after pressing Back from a subsequent screen. |
2 | 0 |
Enable option to list received packages |
0: No. 1: Yes. If set to 1, a function button RECEIVED is available that lists all received packages (status 50) connected to the current delivery note. |
0 | 1 |
Enable option to list staged packages |
0: No. 1: Yes. If set to 1, a function button STAGED is available that lists all staged packages (status 48) connected to the current delivery note. |
0 | 1 |
Enable option SELECT ALL |
0: No. 1: Yes. |
0 | 1 |
Package level to include |
Any level (0, 1 and so on.) *ALL (all packages) If set to N, list package on level N. If set to 0, lists packages only on lowest level=not included in any other package. If set to *ALL, lists all packages regardless of level. |
1 or *ALL | 0 |
Package status to include |
Any numeric (multi) 46;47;48;50 Status: 46: Advised 47: Notified 48: Staged 50: Received |
46;47 | 46;47;48;50 |
Sequence of options |
1: Received 2: Staged 3: Select All 4: Refresh |
3;1;2 | 1;2;3;4 |
Sorting order |
Set max 10 fields to sort by in the format N=X;N=X etc. where N = field number and X = either A for ascending or D for descending. Logic: A: Ascending D: Descending Fields: PPS360MI.LstPackageBySt 1 Package number (PACN) 2 SSCC number (SSCC) 3 Packaging (PACT) 4 Status (PUSL) |
4=D;1=A;3=D | 1=A (package) |
Receive Package Screen
A package is reported as staged, received (combination of stage package and receive delivery note) or put away (combination of stage package, receive delivery note and put away package) on this screen.
Receive Package Screen parameters
Parameter Name | Values | Example | Default Value |
Action to report |
1=Stage: Stage package. 2=Receive:
3=Receive and Putaway:
M3 parameter Stage package before receipt in CRS780 (M3 settings- Purchasing) must be enabled to stage the package. If set to 1 or 2: Input field To Location is not displayed. When staging is active in M3 the receipt of a delivery note only receive the packages that are staged. Non-staged packages are not received. |
2 | 1 |
Check Import Declaration number |
0: No. 1: Yes. Warning. 2: Yes. Error. When set to 1 or 2, a warning or an error message is displayed when the Supplier
delivery note is received if:
If set to 1, a warning is displayed (this can be overridden by a user). If set to 2, an error message is displayed (this cannot be overridden by a user). This parameter is only available for M3 v16 and higher. |
1 | 0 |
Date format Date |
Format 1: YYYYMMDD 2: YYYYDDMM 3: MMYYYYDD 4: MMDDYYYY 5: DDYYYYMM 6: DDMMYYYY 7: YYMMDD 8: YYDDMM 9: MMYYDD 10: MMDDYY 11: DDYYMM 12: DDMMYY 13: YYYYMM 14: MMYYYY 15: YYMM 16: MMYY Separator A. None (e.g. “YYMMDD”) B. Period (e.g. “YY.MM.DD”) C. Dash (e.g. “YY-MM-DD”) D. Slash (e.g. “YY/MM/DD”) E. Space (e.g. “YY MM DD”) |
2=B | 1=C |
Auto confirm input field data |
Input fields: 1: Package 2: To Location A: No. The user must confirm the value either by scanning or by entering the data manually. B: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically. C: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically, if the suggested data is not Blank. D: Yes. The value is confirmed automatically, if the suggested data is Blank. Note: Mandatory field with blank suggested data cannot be auto confirmed. This requires
input regardless of this setting.
1=B;2=B | 1=A;2=A |
Auto trigger next when all fields confirmed |
0: No. 1: Yes. |
1 | 0 |
Populate scan field with suggested data |
1: Package. 2: To Location. If set to 1, a function button RECEIVED is available that lists all received packages (status 50) connected to the current delivery note. |
1;2 | Blank |
Remember input field data |
Input field: 1: Location Type: A: Yes. Auto confirm. C: Yes. No Auto confirm. Note: The value will be remembered until a new search is performed on
the search screen.
1=A | Blank (no remember) |
Sequence of input fields |
Info fields: 1: Delivery note 2: Supplier 3: Date 4: Status Input fields: 4: Package 5:To Location Date (3): Displays in format “Date (+/- no of days)” with date format set in parameter “Date format Date”. To Location (6): Only displayed if “Action to report” is set to “3” (Receive and put away). Status: 46: Advised 47: Notified 48: Staged 50: Received |
3;1;6;5 | 1;2;3;4;5;6 |
Suggest data for input field To Location |
Any location (status 2) *SYS If set to “*SYS”, a To Location is suggested according to M3 system directed putaway logic if all balance IDs in the package is for the same item. Quantities for all included balance IDs are accumulated. Setting *SYS is not applicable if Select All was used in the List Packages screen. |
RECEIVING or *SYS | Blank |
Verify input field suggested data |
Input fields: 1: To Location Use these option values: A: No. The scanned value is not verified against the suggested value. B: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value does not match the suggested value. C: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is greater than the suggested value. D: Yes. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is less than the suggested value. E: Yes. The scanned value must match the suggested value. F: Yes. The scanned value cannot be greater than the suggested value. G: Yes. The scanned value cannot be less than the suggested value. H: Yes. The scanned value cannot be less than the suggested value. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is greater than the suggested value. I: Yes. The scanned value cannot be greater than the suggested value. A warning message is displayed if the scanned value is less than the suggested value. Note: If no data is suggested, the value A is defaulted.
1=B | 1=A |
Receive Delivery Notes Screen
On this screen a delivery note is reported as received.
Receive Delivery Notes Screen parameters
Parameter Name | Values | Example | Default Value |
Auto trigger next when all fields confirmed |
0: No 1:Yes |
1 | 0 |
Check Import Declaration number |
0: No. 1: Yes. Warning. 2: Yes. Error. When set to 1 or 2, a warning or an error message is displayed when the Supplier
delivery note is received if:
If set to 1, a warning is displayed (this can be overridden by a user). If set to 2, an error message is displayed (this cannot be overridden by a user). This parameter is only available for M3 v16 and higher. |
1 | 0 |
Date format date |
Format 1. YYYYMMDD 2. YYYYDDMM 3. MMYYYYDD 4. MMDDYYYY 5. DDYYYYMM 6. DDMMYYYY 7. YYMMDD 8. YYDDMM 9. MMYYDD 10. MMDDYY 11. DDYYMM 12. DDMMYY 13. YYYYMM 14. MMYYYY 15. YYMM 16. MMYY Separator A. None (Example: “YYMMDD”) B. Period (Example: “YY.MM.DD”) C. Dash (Example: “YY-MM-DD”) D. Slash (Example: “YY/MM/DD”) E. Space (Example: “YY MM DD”) |
2=B | 1=C |
Screen to display after report |
A: Search B: List Delivery Notes Note: The
application navigates to the previous screen if there are no more records in a
list screen.
A | B |
Sequence of input fields |
Info fields: 1: Delivery note 2: Supplier 3: Date 4: Status Date (3): Displays in format “Date (+/- no of days)” with date format set in parameter “Date format Date”. Status displayed: 46: Advised 47: Notified 48: Staged 50: Goods received |
3;1;2 | 1;2;3;4 |
Extra info - Labels |
Set alternative label for extra field. Format: N=X;N=X;N=X where N = field number, X = new label, set to *blank to display info without label. Label (X) is in upper case by default. Use prefix “^” to use lower case with first character in each word in upper case. For exxample, “N=ABC DE” is displayed as “ABC DE” in the device. “N=^ABC DE” is displayed as “Abc De”. Fields: PPS360MI.LstHeadBySts / PPS360MI.LstHeadByPack
1=PLAN DEL; 2=*blank; 3=^REC
DT Note: “^REC DT”
is displayed as “Rec Dt” in the device.
Blank (default labels are used). |
Extra info - Line 1 |
Set max 3 extra info fields to display Format: N=X;N=X;N=X where N = field number, X = length in number of characters (including unit where applicable). Tile format: Info is displayed in an extra line. Grid format: Info is displayed as extra columns added after existing columns. Fields: PPS360MI.LstHeadBySts / PPS360MI.LstHeadByPack
Date fields (1-3): Date format is controlled by parameter “Date display format”. |
1=12;2=12;3=15 or 2=23;1=12 or 3=105 |
Blank (extra line is displayed but with blank data). |
Date display format |
Format 0. Relative (+/- no of days from today) 1. YYYYMMDD 2. YYYYDDMM 3. MMYYYYDD 4. MMDDYYYY 5. DDYYYYMM 6. DDMMYYYY 7. YYMMDD 8. YYDDMM 9. MMYYDD 10. MMDDYY 11. DDYYMM 12. DDMMYY Separator A. None (Example: “YYMMDD”) B. Period (Example: “YY.MM.DD”) C. Dash (Example: “YY-MM-DD”) D. Slash (Example: “YY/MM/DD”) E. Space (Example: “YY MM DD”) |
7=B | 0 |
Sorting order |
A maximum of 10 fields can be set in the format N=X; N=X and so on where N= field number and X= either A for ascending or D for descending. Logic:
Fields: PPS360MI.LstHeadBySts / PPS360MI.LstHeadBYPack 1:Delivery note (SUDO) 2: Supplier (SUNO) 3:Delivery note date (DNDT) 4: Lowest status (PUSL) 5:Highest status (PUST) 6: Planned delivery date (DLDT) 7: Requested departure date (SHD4) 8: Receipt date (RCDT) |
4=D;6=A;3=D | 3=A;1=A;2=A (Date / Delivery note / Supplier) |