Picking and Packing Transaction Parameters: Report Pick List
This screen is used to report picking or issuance for entire pick lists.
To configure parameters for this screen, select the check box next to the screen name:
Note: If you do not specify a parameter value, or you specify an invalid value, the default value will be used.
Specify this information:
- Action to report
- Use this parameter to specify which action should occur when processing data on this screen. You can specify these parameter values:
- 1: Move to pack location
- 2: Move to dock location
- 3: Confirm issue
An example value for this parameter is 2. The default value is 1.
- Auto confirm input field data
- Use this parameter to specify whether the user must scan field values to confirm them, or if those values are automatically confirmed. These are the values for each field:
- 1: To Location
You can specify these parameter values for this field:
- A: The user must confirm the value by scanning it.
- B: The value is automatically confirmed.
Specify a behavior for each field using this format: (field value)=(parameter value). For example, 1=B.
Note: If no values are suggested for a mandatory field, the user must scan a value regardless of how this parameter is configured.The default value for this parameter is 1=A.
- Auto trigger Next
- Use this parameter to automatically process the information on this screen when all input fields have been confirmed. You can specify these parameter values:
- 0: The user must manually select to process information.
- 1: Information is automatically processed when all input fields have been confirmed.
An example value for this parameter is 1. The default value is 0.
- Suggest data for input field To Location
- Use this parameter to specify whether to suggest values for the To Location field. You can specify any location. For example, PACK.
The default value for this parameter is blank.
- Verify input field suggested data
- Use this parameter to specify whether values scanned in fields must match the suggested values. These are the values for each field:
- 1: To Location
You can specify these parameter values for each field:
- A: The user can scan any value, and it will not be verified against the suggested value.
- B: The user can scan any value, but they will be warned if it does not match the suggested value.
- E: The scanned value must match the suggested value.
Specify a behavior for each field using this format: (field value)=(parameter value). For example, 1=B.
Note: If the suggested value is blank, the user can scan any value without a warning regardless of how this parameter is configured.The default value for this parameter is 1=A.