Picking and Packing Transaction Parameters: Report Pick Line
This screen is used to report picking, packing, or picking and packing for pick list lines.
- Action to report
- Use this parameter to specify which action should occur when processing data on this screen. You can specify these parameter values:
- 1: Move to pack location without packing
- 2: Move to dock location without packing
- 3: Move to pack location with packing
- 4: Move to dock location with packing
- 5: Pack without moving
An example value for this parameter is 4. The default value is 3.
- Auto confirm input field data
- Use this parameter to specify whether the user must scan field values to confirm them, or if those values are automatically confirmed. These are the values for each field:
- 1: To Location
- 2: Location
- 3: Item
- 4: Lot
- 5: Container
- 6: Quantity
- 7: Package No
- 8: Packaging
You can specify these parameter values for each field:
- A: The user must confirm the value by scanning it.
- B: The value is automatically confirmed.
Specify a behavior for each field using this format: (field value)=(parameter value). For example, 1=A. To specify values for multiple fields, separate them using semicolons. For example, 1=B;2=A;3=A;4=B.
Note: If no values are suggested for a mandatory field, the user must scan a value regardless of how this parameter is configured.The default value for this parameter is 1=A;2=A;3=A;4=A;5=A;6=A;7=A;8=A.
- Auto trigger Next
- Use this parameter to automatically process the information on this screen when all input fields have been confirmed. You can specify these parameter values:
- 0: The user must manually select to process information.
- 1: Information is automatically processed when all input fields have been confirmed.
An example value for this parameter is 1. The default value is 0.
- Package number generation
- Use this parameter to specify whether package numbers should be manually scanned or automatically generated. You can specify these parameter values:
- 1: Package numbers are manually scanned.
- 2: Package numbers are automatically generated. The value *AUTO* will be displayed in the Package No field, and the field will be automatically confirmed.
If you specify 1 for this parameter, users can still manually specify *AUTO* in the Package No field to generate a new package number.
An example value for this parameter is 1. The default value is 2.
- Package label print
- Use this parameter to specify whether labels should be printed for new packages. You can specify these parameter values:
- 0: Labels are not printed.
- 1: The user is prompted to print a label when a package is created.
An example value for this parameter is 1. The default value is 0.
- Remember input field data
- Use this parameter to specify whether to remember field values scanned on this screen. These are the values for each field:
- 1: To location
- 2: Package no
- 3: Packaging
You can specify these parameter values for each field:
- A: The value is remembered for all lines on this screen and will be automatically confirmed.
- B: The value is remembered for all lines on this screen that are on the same pick list and will be automatically confirmed.
- C: The value is remembered for all lines on this screen but will need to be confirmed by the user.
- D: The value is remembered for all lines on this screen that are on the same pick list but will need to be confirmed by the user.
- blank: The value is not remembered.
Specify a parameter value for each field using this format: (field value)=(parameter value). For example, 1=A. To specify values for multiple fields, separate them using semicolons. For example, 1=B;2=A;3=D.
Note: The value will be remembered until a new search is performed on the search screen.The default value for this parameter is blank.
- Screen after report line
- Use this parameter to specify which screen to display after lines are reported as picked. You can specify these parameter values:
- 1: The next picking line is displayed.
- 2: A list of picking lines is displayed, allowing the user to select the next line to pick.
An example value for this parameter is 2. The default value is 1.
- Screen to display after report last line
- Use this parameter to specify which screen to display after the last line on all selected pick lists is reported as picked. You can specify these parameter values:
- 0: The Search Pick Lists screen is displayed.
- 1: The Report Pick List screen is displayed.
An example value for this parameter is 1. The default value is 0.
- Sequence of input fields
- Use this parameter to specify the sequence in which fields are displayed on this screen. These are the values for each field:
- 1: To location
- 2: Location
- 3: Item
- 4: Lot
- 5: Container
- 6: Quantity
- 7: Package No
- 8: Packaging
Specify the sequence by separating each value with a semicolon. For example, 1;4;6;2;3;5;7;8.
The default value for this parameter is 1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8.
- Suggest data for input field Packaging
- Use this parameter to specify whether to suggest values for the Packaging field. You can specify any packaging type. For example, BOX.
The default value for this parameter is blank.
- Suggest data for input field To location
- Use this parameter to specify whether to suggest values for the To Location field. You can specify any location. For example, PACK.
The default value for this parameter is blank.
- Verify input field suggested data
- Use this parameter to specify whether values scanned in fields must match the suggested values. These are the values for each field:
- 1: To location
- 2: Quantity
- 3: Package No
- 4: Packaging
You can specify these parameter values for each field:
- A: The user can scan any value, and it will not be verified against the suggested value.
- B: The user can scan any value, but they will be warned if it does not match the suggested value.
- C: The user can scan any value, but they will be warned if it is higher than the suggested value.
- D: The user can scan any value, but they will be warned if it is lower than the suggested value.
- E: The scanned value must match the suggested value.
- F: The scanned value cannot be higher than the suggested value.
- G: The scanned value cannot be lower than the suggested value.
- H: The scanned value cannot be lower than the suggested value, and the user will be warned if the scanned value is higher than the suggested value.
- I: The scanned value cannot be higher than the suggested value, and the user will be warned if the scanned value is lower than the suggested value.
Specify a behavior for each field using this format: (field value)=(parameter value). For example, 1=A. To specify values for multiple fields, separate them using semicolons. For example, 1=B;2=F;3=E.
Note: Only values A, B, and E are applicable to the To Location, Package No, and Packaging fields.The default value for this parameter is 1=A;2=C;3=A;4=A.