Extra info - Labels
Set alternative label for extra field
Format: N=X;N=X;N=X
N = field number
X = new label, set to *BLANK to display info without label
Label (X) is in upper case by default. Use prefix “^” to use lower case with first character in each word in upper case.
Example: “N=ABC DE” will display as “ABC DE” in the device. “N=^ABC DE” will display as “Abc De”
1. Delivery number
(RIDI) "Del"
2. Picking list suffix
(PLSX) "Sfx"
3. Shipment
(CONN) "Ship"
4. Wave number
(PLRI) "Wave"
5. Stock transaction type
(TTYP) "Type"
6. Pick status
(STAT) "Sts"
40 = ”40-Pick”
50 = ”50-Pack”
60 = ”60-Dock”
65 = ”65-Loaded”
70 = ”70-In transit”
90 = ”90-Closed”
7. Order number
(RIDN) "Ord"
8. Order line
(RIDL) "Ln"
9. Line suffix
(RIDX) "Ln Sfx"
10. Order operation
(RIDO) "Op"
11. Reporting number
(PLRN) "Rp No"
12. Warehouse
(WHLO) "Whs"
13. Stock zone
(SLTP) "Zn"
14. Warehouse equipment
(PISE) "Eq"
15. Consignee
(CONA) "Cons"
16. Customer name
(CUNM) "Cust"
17. Customer number
(CUNO) "Cust"
18. Delivery method
(MODL) "Del Mtd"
19. Final delivery method
(MODF) "Fin Del Mtd"
20. Departure date
(DSDT) "Dep Dt"
21. Departure time
(DSHM) "Dep Tm"
22. Route
(ROUT) "Rout"
23. Route departure
(RODN) "Rt Dep"
24. Place seq no for unload
(MULS) "Pl Seq"
25. Unload seq within place
(SULS) "Unl Seq"
26. Picking sequence
(SEEQ) "Seq"
27. Reserved container
(RSVC) "Res Cont"
28. Reserved location
(RSVL) "Res Loc"
29. Reserved lot number
(RSVB) "Res Lot"
30. Priority
(PRIO) "Prio"
31. Sort value
(SORT) "Sort"
32. Transportation flow
(TRFL) "Flow"
33. Soft allocation
(SOFT) "Soft"
34. Loading platform
(LODO) "Ld Pl"
35. To location
(TWSL) "To Loc"
36. To location pick line
(TWS2) "To Loc"
37. Catch weight
(CAWE) "CW" + unit (CWUN)
38. Packed quantity
(PAQT) "Packed" + unit (UNMS)
39. Weight to pick
(WTPI) "Wt" + unit (WEUN)
40. Volume to pick
(VTPI) "Vol" + unit (VOUN)
41. Weight to pack
(WTPA) "Wt" + unit (WEUN)
42. Volume to pack
(VTPA) "Vol" + unit (VOUN)
43. Pick line 1 (Del/Sfx/Repno+Type)
44. Pick line 2 (Del/Sfx/Repno) (DLIX/PLSX/PLRN) "Pick"
45. Pick list 1 (Del/Sfx+Type)
46. Pick list 2 (Del/Sfx)
(DLIX/PLSX) "Pick"
47. Order line 1 (Ord/Line/LnSfx) (RIDN/RIDL/RIDX) "Ord"
Just RIDN/RIDL if RIDX=0/blank
48. Order line 2 (Ord/Line/LnSfx+Type) (RIDN/RIDL/RIDX (XX)) "Ord" XX=CO/DO/RO/MO/WO/REPL)
Just RIDN/RIDL (XX) if RIDX=0/blank
49. Departure date+time
(DSDT DSHM) "Dep Dt"
Date (in selected date format) followed by time HH:MM
50. Route/Dep
(ROUT/RODN) "Rout"
51. Remaining quantity in basic unit (TRQT) “Qty” + unit (UNMS)
(Data=TRQT-PAQT if action to report is packing only)
Supported characters in label: "A-Z","a-z", "0-9" and "_" (underscore)
- 20. Departure date
- 21. Departure time
- 27. Reserved container
- 28. Reserved location
- 29. Reserved lot number
- 39. Weight to pick
- 40. Volume to pick
- 41. Weight to pack
- 42. Volume to pack
- 49. Departure date+time