Picking and Packing Transaction Parameters: Search Pick Lists
- Auto trigger next when all fields confirmed
- Use this parameter to automatically process the information on this screen when all input fields have been confirmed. You can specify these parameter values:
- 0: The user must manually select to process information.
- 1: Information is automatically processed when all input fields have been confirmed.
An example value for this parameter is 1. The default value is 0.
- Default data for input field Order type
- Use this parameter to specify a default value for the Order Type field. You can specify these order types:
- ALL: Customer order and distribution order
- CO: Customer order
- DO: Distribution order
- REPL: Replenishment order
To specify multiple order types, place an ampersand in between them. For example, CO&REPL.
The default value for this parameter is ALL.
- Default data for input field Pack status
- Use this parameter to specify a default value for the Pack Status field. This field is used as a search filter, but it is not displayed on the screen. You can specify any pack status:
- 10: Not started
- 20: Started
- 30: Completed
- 40: Packing completed and packaging actions performed
To specify multiple pack statuses, place an ampersand in between them. For example, 10&20&30.
The default value for this parameter is blank.
- Default data for input for field Pick status
- Use this parameter to specify a default value for the Pick Status field. This field is used as a search filter, but it is not displayed on the screen. You can specify any pack status:
- 40: Ready for report
- 50: All at pack location
- 60: All at dock location
- 65: All loaded
- 70: All in transit
- 90: All issued
Optionally, you can specify a range of pick statuses by placing a hyphen between two values. For example, use the value 40-60 to specify 40, 50, and 60.
The default value for this parameter is 40-60.
- Default data for input field No of pick lists
- Use this parameter to specify the maximum number of pick lists that are automatically selected, starting from the top of the list. This field is not displayed on the screen. You can specify any numeric value.
An example value for this parameter is 3. The default value is 1.
- Default data for input To date
- Use this parameter to specify a default value for the To Date field. This field is used as a filter that limits pick lists in the search results by their departure dates. This field is not displayed on the screen. You can specify any numeric value to indicate how many days into future to search for picks lists. For example, if today is Monday and you specify 3, the search will look for pick lists with a departure date on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Optionally, leave this parameter blank to search for pick lists with any departure date.
The default value for this parameter is blank.
- Default data for input field Zone
- Use this parameter to specify a default value for the Zone field. You can specify any zone. To specify multiple zones, you can place an ampersand between them or you can use a hyphen to specify a range. For example, you could use the value AA&BB&CC or AA-CC to specify values AA, BB, and CC.
The default value for this parameter is blank.
- Sequence of input fields
- Use this parameter to specify the sequence in which fields are displayed on this screen. These are the values for each field:
- 1: Order type
- 2: Zone
- 3: Delivery
Note: The user can scan either the delivery number (for example, 12345) or the delivery number and suffix number (for example, 12345/1) in the Delivery field.Specify the sequence by separating each value with a semicolon. For example, 1;3;2. Any field values that you do not include in the sequence will not be displayed.
The default value for this parameter is 1;2;3.