Move Transaction Parameters: List Balance ID
Use this screen to list balance IDs that match the search criteria specified
on the Search Balance ID screen. To configure parameters for this screen, select the check
box next to the screen name and specify this information:
Note: If you do not specify a parameter
value, or you specify an invalid value, the default value is used.
- Auto select first
Use this parameter to specify whether the first record on this screen is automatically selected. You can specify these parameter values:
0: The first record is never automatically selected. The user must select a record. 1: The first record is automatically selected. 2: The first record is automatically selected if only one record is available. If there are more than one records, the user must select one. If the user filters the list by scanning a value, and only one record is displayed, the record is automatically selected.An example value for this parameter is 1. The default value is 0.
- Hide non-movable
balance identities
Use this parameter to determine whether the non-movable Balance IDs or non-allocatable Balance IDs can be displayed or not:
0: The non-movable Balance IDs are displayed. 1: The non-allocatable balance IDs are not displayed. 2: The non-movable balance IDs are not displayed.Note:- If the parameter is set to 1 and if ID is not allocatable or if allocatable= 0, Balance ID is not displayed.
- If the parameter is set to 2 and if movable ID = 0, Balance ID is not displayed.
An example value for this parameter is 1. The default value is 0.
- Quantity to
Use this parameter to view what type of quantity to be displayed. You can specify these parameter values:
0: The total on-hand balance quantity of the item is displayed. 1: The allocatable balance quantity of the item is displayed. The allocatable amount is calculated using this formula: On-hand balance - allocated qty. 2: The movable balance quantity of the item is displayed. The allocatable is calculated using this formula: On-hand balance - pick list qty - pending putaway qty.An example value for this parameter is 1. The default value is 0.