Count Transaction Parameters: Report Phys Inv Line
Auto confirm input field data
Use this parameter to specify whether the user must scan field (Quantity and Catch Wt) values to confirm them, or if the values are automatically confirmed. You can specify these parameter values:
- A: No. The user must confirm the value by scanning it.
- B: Yes. The value is automatically confirmed.
- C: Yes. If the suggested value is not blank, the value is confirmed automatically.
- D: Yes. If the suggested value is blank, the value is confirmed automatically.
- Auto trigger
Next when all fields confirmed
Use this parameter to automatically process the information on this screen when all input fields have been confirmed. You can specify these parameter values:
- 0: The user must manually select to process information.
- 1: Information is automatically processed when all input fields have been confirmed.
An example value for this parameter is 1. The default value is 0.
- Force to verify
lot and container
Use this parameter to specify if the user must scan lot and container numbers to confirm them, or if those values are automatically confirmed. You can specify these parameter values:
- 0: The lot and container values are automatically confirmed.
- 1: The user must scan the lot number to confirm it. The container value is confirmed automatically.
- 2: The user must scan the container number to confirm it. The lot value is confirmed automatically.
- 3: The user must scan lot and container numbers to confirm them.
An example value for this parameter is 1. The default value is 0.
- Sequence of
input fields
Use this parameter to specify the sequence in which fields are displayed on this screen. These are fields in sequence:
- Location
- Item
- Lot
- Container
- Quantity
- Catch Wt
- Sequence for
input fields Catch Weight
These values are:
- 0: The value remains BLANK.
- 1: The balance ID amount is considered.
Suggest data for input field Quantity
Use this parameter to specify a default value for the Quantity field.
- 0: The value remains BLANK.
- 1:The current-on hand value is specified.
- Verify quantity
Use this parameter to specify whether the user should be warned when a count quantity is different from the current on-hand balance. You can specify these parameter values:
- 0: The user is not warned.
- 1: The user is warned.
An example value for this parameter is 1. The default value is 0.