Move Transaction Parameters: Report Move
This screen is used to move balance IDs or containers.
- Auto confirm input field data
- Use this parameter to specify whether the user must scan field
values to confirm the values, or if those values are automatically
confirmed. These are the values for each field:
- 1: Quantity
- 2: To location
- 3: Catch Weight
You can specify these parameter values for each field:
A: The user must confirm the value by scanning.B: The value is automatically confirmed.C: If the suggested value is not blank, the value is automatically confirmed.D: If the suggested value is blank, the value is automatically confirmed.Specify a behavior for each field using this format: (field value)=(parameter value). For example, 1=A. To specify values for multiple fields, separate them using semicolons. For example, 1=B;2=A;3=C.Note: If no values are suggested for a mandatory field, the user must scan a value irrespective of the parameter configuration.The default value for this parameter is 1=A;2=A;3=A.
- Auto trigger Next when all fields confirmed
- Use this parameter to automatically process the information on this screen when all input fields have been confirmed. You can specify these parameter values:
- 0: The user must manually select to process the information.
- 1: The information is automatically processed when all input fields are confirmed.
An example value for this parameter is 1. The default value is 0.
- Catch weight input
- Use this parameter to determine if the Catch wt is mandatory on the
transaction screen. You can specify these parameter values:
- 0: The field is set as optional in the transaction screen.
- 1: The field is set as mandatory in the transaction screen.
- Mandatory input fields
- Use this parameter to set the input fields ( Quantity and To location) as mandatory on the transaction screen.
- Sequence of input fields
- Use this parameter to specify the sequence in which the fields
are displayed on this screen. These are the values for each field:
- 1: From Location (information field)
- 2: Item (information field)
- 3: Lot (information field)
- 4: Container (information field)
- 7: On Hand
- 5: Quantity (input field)
- 6: To Location (input field)
- 8: Catch Wt
- 9: To Container
Specify the sequence by separating each value with a semicolon. For example, 1;4;6;2;3. The information field values that you do not include in the sequence are not displayed. You must specify a value for all the input fields.
The default value for this parameter is 1;2;3;4;7;5;6;8;9.
- Suggest data for input field Quantity
- Use this parameter to specify what data to be suggested in the
Quantity field. You
can specify any numeric value, or you can specify one of these
- A: Total on-hand quantity
- B: On-hand quantity less the allocated quantity
- C: On-hand quantity less the pick list quantity and pending putaway quantity
An example value for this parameter is C. The default value is A.
- Suggest data for input field To Location
- Use this parameter to specify what data to be suggested in the
To Location field.
You can specify any location or you can specify *SYS to use M3's putaway logic, to
suggest a location, or you can specify From
which is similar to the From
Location field.
An example value for this parameter is *SYS. The default value is blank.
- Verify input field suggested data
- Use this parameter to specify whether values scanned in the
fields must match the suggested values. These are the values for
each field:
- 1: Quantity
- 2: To location
You can specify these parameter values for each field:
- A: The user can scan any value, and this value is not verified against the suggested value.
- B: The user can scan any value, and the user is warned if the scanned value does not match the suggested value.
- C: The user can scan any value, and the user is warned if the scanned value is greater than the suggested value.
- D: The user can scan any value, and the user is warned if the scanned value is lesser than the suggested value.
- E: The scanned value must match the suggested value.
- F: The scanned value cannot be greater than the suggested value.
- G: The scanned value cannot be lesser than the suggested value.
- H: The scanned value cannot be lesser than the suggested value, and the user is warned if the scanned value is greater than the suggested value.
- I: The scanned value cannot be greater than the suggested value, and the user is warned if the scanned value is lesser than the suggested value.
Specify a behavior for each field using this format: (field value)=(parameter value). For example, 1=A. To specify values for multiple fields, separate them using semicolons. For example, 1=A;2=E.Note:- Only the values A, B, and E are applicable to the To Location field.
- If the suggested value is blank, the user can scan any value without a warning irrespective of the parameter configuration.
- The default value for this parameter is 1=A;2=A;3=A.