Sorting order

Set max 10 fields to sort by in the format N=X;N=X etc. where N = field number and X = either A for ascending or D for descending.

If Reporting number field is not part of the sorting order, it is automatically added as the last field to sort by.


A. Ascending

D. Descending



1. Warehouse (WHLO)

2. Stock zone (SLTP)

3. Warehouse equipment (PISE)

4. Delivery number (RIDI)

5.Picking list suffix (PLSX)

6.Reporting number - pick line (PLRN)

7.Sort value (SORT)

8.Transportation flow (TRFL)

9. Location (WHSL)

10. Item number (ITNO)

11. Item name (ITDS)

12. Lot number (BANO)

13. Container (CAMU)

14. Consignee (CONA)

15. Customer number (CUNO)

16. Customer name (CUNM)

17. Stock transaction type (TTYP)

18. Order number (RIDN)

19. Order operation (RIDO)

20. Order line (RIDL)

21. Order line suffix (RIDX)

22. Transaction quantity (TRQT)

23. Weight to pick (WTPI)

24. Volume to pick (VTPI)

25. Weight to pack (WTPA)

26. Volume to pack (VTPA)

27. To location (TWSL)

28. To location - pick line (TWS2)

29. Default pack location (DPLO)

30. Default docking location (DDLO)

31. Loading platform (LODO)

32. Status (STAT)

33. Soft allocation (SOFT)

34. Wave number (PLRI)

35. Priority - delivery (PRIO)

36. Place seq no unloading (MULS)

37. Unload seq w in place (SULS)

38. Picking sequence (SEEQ)

39. Departure date (DSDT)

40. Departure time (DSHM)

41. Shipment (CONN)

42. Route (ROUT)

43. Route departure (RODN)

44. Delivery method (MODL)

45. Final delivery method (MODF)

46. Gross weight (GRWE)

47. Net weight (NEWE)

48. Volume (VOL3)

49. Free unit (FCU1)

50. Fragility (FRAG)

51. Length (ILEN)

52. Width (IWID)

53. Height (IHEI)

54. Measurement 1 (DIM1)

55. Measurement 2 (DIM2)

56. Measurement 3 (DIM3)

57. Reference order category (RORC)

58. Inventory segment (ISEG)

59. ABC class - frequency (ABFC)

60. Alternate U/M (ALUN)

61. Reserved location (RSVL)

62. Reserved lot number (RSVB)

63. Reserved container (RSVC)

64. Item description (FUDS)

Note: These fields must be empty when the Search Pick Lists - Enable picking/packing by shipment parameter is active and pick list lines are listed based on the Shipment search and the skipped Pick Lists screen:
  • 23. Weight to pick (WTPI)
  • 24. Volume to pick (VTPI)
  • 25. Weight to pack (WTPA)
  • 26. Volume to pack (VTPA)
  • 28. To location - pick line (TWS2)
  • 39. Departure date (DSDT)
  • 40. Departure time (DSHM)
  • 61. Reserved location (RSVL)
  • 62. Reserved lot number (RSVB)
  • 63. Reserved container (RSVC)