Extra info - Labels
Set alternative label for extra field
Format: N=X;N=X;N=X
N= field number
X= new label, set to *BLANK to display info without label
Label (X) is in upper case by default. Use prefix “^” to use lower case with first character in each word in upper case.
Example: “N=ABC DE” will display as “ABC DE” in the device. “N=^ABC DE” will display as “Abc De”
1. Picking sequence
(SEEQ) "Seq"
2. Loading platform
(LODO) "Ld Pl"
3. Warehouse equipment
(PISE) "Eq"
4. Picking status
(PISS) "Pi Sts"
5. Packing status
(PIST) "Pa Sts"
6. Shipment
(CONN) "Ship"
7. Wave
(PLRI) "Wav"
8. Picking team
(TEAM) "Team"
9. Picker
(PICK) "Pkr"
10. Estimated pick start date
(ESPD) "Est Pick Dt"
11. Estimated pick start time
(ESPT) "Est Pick Tm"
12. Picking start date
(ARLE) "Pick Dt"
13. Picking start time
(ARLF) "Pick Tm"
14. Route
(ROUT) "Rout"
15. Route description
(RODS) "Rt Nm"
16. Route departure
(RODN) "Rt Dep"
17. To Warehouse
(TWLO) "To Whs"
18. Priority
(PRIO) "Prio"
19. Warehouse
(WHLO) “Whs”
20. Customer
(CUNO) “Cust”
21. Delivery Method
(MODL)“Del Mtd”
22. Final delivery method
(MODF) “Fin Del Mtd”
23. Route/Dep
(ROUT/RODN) "Rout"
24. Estimated pick start date+time
(ESPD ESPT) "Est Pick Dt"
25. Picking start date +time
(ARLE ARLF) "Pick Dt"
26. Order
(RIDN) “Ord”
Supported characters in label: "A-Z","a-z", "0-9" and "_" (underscore)
Order (26): Field is only applicable for M3 BE 16+