
Forecast shows up-to-date constrained and unconstrained forecasts of room nights, total revenue, cancellations, no-shows, arrivals, departures, and more.

You can select these options from the Forecast menu:


This graph shows the EzRMS generated forecast of Occupied Rooms for the future.

Room Contribution

This graph shows the room contribution as a percentage figure for all the forecast bookings. This function is most useful when using the option Split By Dimension in the Change Parameters window.

Occupancy Percentage

This graph shows the percentage of occupied rooms compared to the available rooms in a hotel. All rooms that are out of order are taken out of the inventory. If you currently have out of order rooms, the Occupancy % will be higher than shown in your PMS.

Physical Occupancy %

This graph shows the hotel occupancy percentage based on the properties full inventory, for example excluding rooms that are out of order or out of service. This function is only displayable through Analysis Type in the Change Parameters window.

Incremental Demand

This graph shows the additional demand that is forecast by EzRMS.

Recommended Denials

This graph shows the forecast of business that is shown as a result of Recommendations by EzRMS.


This graph shows the forecast of total revenue for rooms revenue and hotel revenue categories.

Revenue Contribution

This graph shows the revenue contribution, per revenue category, as a percentage figure for all reservations currently booked on the PMS. More than one revenue category can be shown by using the shift and arrow keys to highlight the appropriate categories. This function is most useful when using the option Split By Dimension in the Change Parameters window.


This graph shows an average daily rate which is revenue per occupied room.

This graph shows the forecast of Revenue Per Available Room, shown by rooms and each revenue category where relevant. The REVPAR is calculated using the available hotel inventory, excluding rooms that are out of inventory, for example out of order.

In this section, EzRMS shows the Revenue Per Available Room daily for the next month starting from the current system date by default.

Physical RevPAR
This graph shows the forecast of Revenue Per Available Room, shown by Rooms and each Revenue Category where relevant. This calculation is based on the total capacity of the hotel.

In this section, EzRMS shows the Physical Revenue Per Available Room daily for the next month starting from the current system date by default.

Revenue Per Guest
Total No. Of Guests

The graph shows the total number of guests expected to stay at your hotel.

Avg. Guests Per Room

This graph shows the average number of guests per room, currently on the books.

Day Use

This graph shows the forecast day use at your hotel for the time frame displayed.


This graph shows the forecast of the number of arrivals is always compared to the total occupancy forecast of the hotel.


This graph shows the forecast number of departures for the time frame displayed.

LOS Of arrivals

This graph shows the forecast for the average length of stay for arrivals at your hotel for the selected period.

Revenue opportunities
This graph shows the forecast Revenue Opportunities for your hotel.

In this section, EzRMS shows the daily Revenue Opportunities for the next month starting from the current system date by default.

Bid Price

This graph shows the saved Bid Price for your hotel. If nothing is saved, it will be the same as the EzRMS Bid Price.

In this section, EzRMS shows the daily Bid Price for the next month starting from the current system date by default.

EzRMS Bid Price

This graph shows the forecast Bid Price for your hotel.

In this section, EzRMS shows the daily EzRMS Bid Price for the next month starting from the current system date by default.


This graph shows the forecast Over-Booking Level for your hotel.

In this section, EzRMS displays the daily overbooking recommendations for the next month starting from the current system date by default.