For every Contract Evaluation it is essential to have a summary of the contract. In this part of the Contract Dashboard, you see the following information:
Option | Description |
Results | What has been achieved so far for this Contract. |
Occupied Rooms | The number of room nights produced by this contract during the analysed period. |
Occupied Rooms results 1 year ago | The number of room nights produced by the con-tract at the same point in time last year (and the percentage increase or decrease. |
ADR | ADR for this contract and the Total ADR. |
Cancellations | The number of cancellations produced by this Contract. |
No Shows | The number of No-Shows produced by this Contract. |
Relocations | The number of times a guest on this contract was relocated. |
LOS of arrivals | The Average Length of Stay for this Contract. |
Avg. guests per room | The Average Number of guests per room for this Contract |
Avg. Booking Lead Time | The Average Booking Lead Time for this Contract. |
On the Books | The number of rooms on the books for this Con-tract one year ago. |
On the Books SPIT 1 year ago | The number of rooms on the books at the same point in time 1 year ago for this contract (and the percentage increase or decrease). |
ADR | The ADR one year ago both Room ADR as well as a Total ADR. |
Quotations | That what has been achieved so far this year for this contract. |
Contract Occupancy | The Quoted Occupied Rooms and the % of total occupancy that this contributes to. |
Contract Revenue | The quoted Room and Total Revenue for this contract. |
Room ADR | The quoted Room ADR for this contract, the Minimum Room ADR in order to break even and the Revenue Opportunity ADR for this contract |
Additional Occupancy | The quoted occupancy that was additional because of this contract. The percentage is the percentage of total forecast rooms that will be additional rooms |
Additional Revenue | The quoted Revenue that was additional revenue because of this contract and the percentage of the total revenue forecast for this contract that will be in addition |
Additional Relocation | The rooms that had to be relocated because of you accepting this contract |
The top part of the screen will show you a summary of the historical and quoted or forecast details. Below that the data has been broken down in a number of different ways that could be useful when it comes to looking at the value of the contract.
The detailed data is split into more detail and you can see the following breakdowns.
For Results or historically achieve data you can view the following options:
Option | Description |
Month | Shows the data broken down month by month, listing all months that have been included in the contract. You will however only see actual results. |
Day of week | Shows the historic data broken down by day of week. |
Event types | Shows only the production during Special Events broken down by Event Type. |
Seasons | Shows the production broken down by Season. |
Constrained Days | Shows the historic production for this contract broken down between production on days that were constrained and days that were not constrained. |
If you scroll to the right, you will see the same breakdown for the quotations; this is of course the data that shows the additional value of what has been achieved.
In the final section you will see an overview of what you have on the books and future quotations broken down by month.
Option | Description |
On The Books | Shows the business on the books for this contract. |
On The Books SPIT 1 Year ago | The number of rooms this contract had on the books at the same point in time one year ago. |
ADR | Shows the ADR that you have on the books broken down by Room ADR and Total ADR. |
Quotations | Shows the Total quotation for both what has been achieved this year as well as future forecast production for this contract. |
Contract Occupancy | The Occupancy forecast to be generated by this contract. |
Additional Occupancy | The quoted occupancy that was additional because of this contract. The percentage is the percentage of total forecast rooms that will be additional rooms. |
Additional Revenue | The quoted Revenue that was additional revenue because of this contract and the percentage of the total revenue forecast for this contract that will be in addition. |
Additional Relocation | The rooms that had to be relocated because of you accepting this contract. |
Finally, you can select the contract that you would like to analyze by selecting it from all contracts in EzCONTRACT as well as changing the date range that you are looking at by selecting this from the menu below.