Bookings shows the booking of rooms and other related data for a particular set date in graphs.
You can select these options from the
menu:- On-The-Books
- This graph shows the number of reservations On-The-Books and
the booking status for all future dates.
EzRMS shows by default, the number of rooms sold daily for the next month starting from the current system date. Read all future graphs from left to right.
- Room Contribution
This graph shows the rooms contribution, as a percentage figure for all reservations that are currently on-the-books. This function is most useful when using the option Split By Dimension in the Change Parameters window.
- Occupancy percentage
This graph shows the percentage of rooms occupied compared to the available rooms in the hotel. All rooms that are out of order are taken out of the inventory. This means that if you have out of order rooms the Occupancy % will be higher, than displayed in your PMS.
- Physical Occupancy %
This graph shows the hotel occupancy percentage based on the properties full inventory.
- Revenue OTB
- This graph shows the revenue generated per day for advance
sales (reservations on the books) by Rooms Revenue and hotel Revenue
EzRMS displays by default, the amount of Revenue OTB daily for the next month starting from the current system date. Read all future graphs from left to right.
- Revenue OTB Contribution
This graph shows the revenue contribution, per revenue category, as a percentage figure for all reservations currently booked on the PMS. This function is most useful when using the option Split By Dimension in the Change Parameters window.
This graph shows an average daily rate which is revenue per occupied room.
- RevPAR
This graph shows Revenue Per Available Room, day by day as the default, broken down by the hotel Revenue Categories.Note: The REVPAR is calculated using the available hotel inventory, excluding rooms that are Out Of Order.
- Physical RevPAR
This graph shows Physical Revenue Per Available Room, day by day as the default, broken down by the hotel Revenue Categories.Note: The Physical REVPAR is calculated using the total hotel capacity.
- Revenue Per Guest
This graph shows Revenue Per Guest for all On-The-Books reservations. It is also known as RevPAX.
- Total No. Of Guests
- This graph shows the daily total number of guests indicated in
On-The-Books Reservations.EzRMS shows by default, the number of rooms sold daily for the next month starting from the current system date.Note: Read all future graphs from left to right.
- Adults And Children
This graph shows the hotel guests from reservations on the books per hotel broken down into Adults and Children.
- Avg. Guests Per Room
- This graph shows the average number of guests per room based on the number of guests indicated in On-The-Books Reservations.
- Arrivals
This graph shows the arrivals for the displayed period.
- Departures
This graph shows the departures for the displayed period.
- Average LOS
This graph shows a detailed analysis of the average length of stay for the displayed period.
- LOS Of Arrivals
This graph shows the average length of stay of arrivals for the displayed period.
- Avg. Booking Lead Time
This graph shows the average booking lead time for the displayed period. It enables you to see how many days before arrival people book your hotel.
The analysis accounts for group bookings from the moment the individual reservations have been created.
- Avg. Total Lead Time
This graph shows the Total Booking Lead time for individual bookings and for group bookings from the date when group block became tentative.
- Denials
- This graph shows the number of Denials tracked for a specific period. EzRMS defaults to All Denials but you can
also view Denials by type by selecting a specific denial type from the
additional selection menu that appears.
Denials are taken from your denial module in your PMS and are there for information purposes only; they do not influence the forecasts in any way.
- Cancellations
- This graph shows the number of Cancellations for a specific period. EzRMS defaults to All Cancellations by Cancellation type but you can also view Cancellations by type by selecting a specific Cancellation type from the additional selection menu that appears.
- Capacity
This graph shows the hotel capacity, either for all rooms, the salable rooms, the out of order or out of service rooms.