
Actuals shows the historical data in graphs.

You can select these options from the Actuals menu:

Occupied Rooms
This graph shows occupied rooms. Rooms that are out of order are removed from the inventory.

EzRMS shows by default, the number of rooms occupied daily for the last one month period starting from the current system date. Read all actuals graphs from right to left.

Room Contribution
This graph enables you to analyze the contribution of a certain dimension towards the total number of rooms sold in the hotel. In the Change Parameters window, you should select a Dimension in theAnalysis Parameters section and select the Split By Dimension option. It enables you to see the percentages that each piece of your business contributed to the daily totals.
Occupancy Percentage
This graph shows the occupancy percentages. All rooms that are out of order are taken out of the inventory. It means that if you have out of order rooms the Occupancy % will be higher than what displayed in your PMS.
Physical Occupancy %
This analysis shows the hotel occupancy percentage based on the property full inventory, for example including rooms that are out of order.
Total Revenue
This graph shows total revenue by day and by revenue category.

EzRMS shows the Total Revenue achieved in the period, including Incremental Revenue spends (F & B, Conference, Other, depending on the hotel's chosen Revenue Categories).

Revenue Contribution
This graph shows an analysis of what percentage of the total revenue was generated by each of your revenue categories. An analysis can be done for all categories or one more categories can be selected by using the shift and arrow keys to highlight the appropriate categories.
This graph shows an average daily rate which is revenue per occupied room.
This graph shows Revenue Per Available Room by Revenue Categories.
Note: This calculation excludes any rooms that are out of inventory, for example out of order rooms.
Physical RevPAR
This graph shows Revenue Per Available Room by Revenue Categories measured against the full hotel capacity.
Revenue Per Guest
This graph shows the average revenue per guest by day and revenue category.
Total No. Of Guests
This graph shows the total number of guests staying in your hotel by day.
Avg. Guests Per Room
This graph shows the average number of guests per room per day.
This graph shows the number of rooms sold at your hotel without prior reservations.
This graph shows arrivals compared to the total number of rooms occupied.
This graph shows departures by day.
Average LOS
This graph shows the average length of stay based on guests staying at the hotel.
LOS Of Arrivals
This graph shows the average length of stay by arrival date.
Avg. Booking Lead Time
This graph shows the average Booking Lead Time for individual bookings and for group bookings from the date when room was picked up from block.
Avg. Total Lead Time
This graph shows the Total Booking Lead time for individual bookings and for group bookings from the date when group block became tentative.
The graph shows the cancellations for the period displayed. The EzRMS analysis defaults to All reasons, which gives you an overview of all cancellations.
Cancellation Revenue
This graph shows the amount of revenue lost per day due to "All" Cancellations.
This graph shows the number of reservations that had to be relocated per day.
This graph shows the number of Denials that were tracked for a specific period. EzRMS defaults to All Denials but you can also view Denials by type by selecting a specific denial type from the additional selection menu that appears.

Denials are taken from the denial module in your PMS and are there for information purposes only; they do not influence the forecasts in any way.

This graph shows the number of rooms with prior reservations that did not show up for their stay.
No-Shows Revenue
This graph shows the potential revenue loss or revenue gain from No-Shows for each day.
This graph shows the hotel capacity, either for all rooms, sellable rooms, out of order or out of service rooms. Use the Shift or Control (Ctrl) and the arrow keys to select more than one option.
This graph shows the rooms upgraded per day.
This graph shows the rooms downgraded per day.
Macro Posted Revenue

This graph shows the revenue posted per day per group of Posting Codes as defined in the PMS.

Macro Posting Code is a group of Posting Codes.

EzRMS shows by default, a breakdown of all revenue totals per Macro posting code defined per day for the last one month period starting from the current system date (past dates = History). This graph gives you a more detailed breakdown of the groups of revenue flows day by day.
Note: Read all actuals graphs from right to left.
Posted Revenue
This graph shows the revenue posted per day and posting code.
EzRMS shows by default, a breakdown of all revenue totals per posting code per day for the last one month period starting from the current system date (past dates = History). This graph gives you a more detailed breakdown of the revenue flows day by day.
Note: Read all actuals graphs from right to left.
This graph shows the number of rooms that were being held on Wait-List for any specific date.
Total Demand
This graph shows total demand compared to the total number of rooms occupied in your hotel.
Denied Demand
This graph shows denied demand for your hotel by day.