Competitor details in Competitor screen

In order to set up market influenced pricing, revenue managers need to fill in these fields for each competitor and for their own property in the Competitor Analysis > Competitor screen:

  • Built: number of rooms
  • Stars: numeric value (1 to 5)
  • Reputation Score: numeric value (from 1.0 to 9.9)
  • Property Type: Airport, City Centre, Country House, Express, Other/Unknown, Resort or Roadside
  • Chain: Y/N
  • Longitude: Positive or negative numeric value (xxx.xxxxxx)
  • Latitude: Positive or negative numeric value (xxx.xxxxxx)

Users with revenue manager access may update the details of competitors at any time. The system automatically accounts for this in the next optimization.

Note: If a competitor gets added to the competitive set, it is considered automatically as a competitor until the user enters all details for it.