New Cancellation Analysis
Click once on New Cancellation Analysis under the menu Revenue Opportunities to access all reservations that were canceled in the PMS yesterday.
The following details can be seen:
Option | Description |
Res No . | This is the confirmation number as found in the PMS, mapped over into EzRMS. To be used as a reference for either converting or rejecting this reservation. |
Date of Reservation | The date on which the reservation was made in the PMS. |
Date of Cancellation | The date on which the reservation was cancelled in the PMS |
Status | This is the booking status on which the reservation is in the PMS. |
Arrival Date | This is the arrival date of the reservation. |
No. of Rooms | This field displays the number of rooms that are currently on The following details can be seen: the books for that reservation. |
No. of Guests | This number displays the total number of guests attached to the relevant reservation |
No. of Nights | The total number of room nights is displayed under the number of nights |
LOS Reco | This is the EzRMS recommendation on the date when the Reservation was entered in the PMS. |
Room Type | This is the Room Type under which the reservation has been booked. |
Room Category | Here EzRMS displays the Room Category under which the reservation has been booked. |
Distribution Channel | This is the Distribution Channel under which the reservation has been booked. |
Reservation Source | This is the Reservation Source under which the reservation has been booked if applicable. |
Market Segment | Mapped from the PMS, this is the Market Segment, to which the reservation is attached. |
Rate Code | The rate code is mapped form the reservation details of the booking. |
Bucket | This field displays the EzRMS Rate Bucket in which the reservation is mapped. |
Presold / Night | This is the total value of the reservation as defined by the rate code, and the total number of room nights. |
LOS Bid Price | The LOS Bid Price indicates the bid price on offer for the dates of the reservation. |
Revenue Opportunity |
The Revenue Opportunity is based off the difference between the Presold Revenue and the LOS bid Price for that reservation. Reservations highlighted in red indicate a revenue opportunity or in other words EzRMS would have recommended you not to take this reservation. |
Reservation Agent | EzRMS maps over from the PMS the initials of the Reservation Agents who has made the reservation. |
Travel Agent | This will show the Travel Agent name and code attached to the reservation if applicable. |
Company | This will show the Company name and code attached to the reservation if applicable. |
Allotment | This will show the Allotment attached to the reservation if applicable. |
Country | This will show the Country code attached to the reservation if applicable. |
Below the
button you will see that it will default to yesterday's date. However, you are able to change the date to a previous date (up to 1 month ago) to display the information from that date until the default date.