Creating new contract

You can create a new contact from Ez-Contract module. You can enter the first contract quotation after defining the periods in configuration module.

  1. Select Contract > New Contract. The New Contract (Distribution Channel contract) screen appears.
  2. Specify the following information in the fields:
    Contract Name
    You can add the contract name.
    Contract Description
    You can add a brief contract description.
    Company Contract
    You can add companies to the contract.
  3. Select the type of parts that you must define for a new contract:
    No Parts
    You will have to select the periods (date range) that you want to use for the contract (if the contract only runs for a few months this could be an option.
    Past Parts Only
    This option only populates historic dates, so this can be used for when you only want to evaluate the historic production for this contract.
    Future Parts Only
    If you have a contract that has not produced in the past, it might not be needed to populate historic information. This option will only create future parts.
    This option populates both historic and future business for the contract and allows you to evaluate all aspects of the contract. This will be the option that is most commonly used.
  4. Click , to save the new contract. You can view the new contract created in the contract quotation screen.