Creating a Group Quotation

In order to access the EzQUOTE, click Group Quotation link in the menu on the left hand side of the EzRMS screen.

  1. Select Group Quotation > New Group Quotation.
  2. You can add the following information in the displayed fields of the screen:
    Group name
    The group name or code as would be displayed in the PMS.
    A more detailed description of the Group, this could include Company and/or Agency name.
    Total Commission
    Percentage Terms for either package elements included or excluded from commission paid Or/And- Monetary terms for commission, payable by Room, Guest or Day (click on the drop box to display these options).
    Arrival Date
    The first arrival date on which rooms from the group arrive.
    Number of Nights
    The number of nights the group is due to stay.
    Number of rooms
    The number of rooms that have been requested (total number of rooms, not broken down by room type).
    Total number of guests
    The total number of guests expected per night (this figure can differ from the total number of rooms.
    Number of Comp Rooms
    Any additional rooms that are complimentary (these will be added to the total number of rooms).
    Total No of Comp Guests
    Number of complimentary guests.
    Room Category
    Select All or a room category as they are mapped in EzRMS.
    Proposed Room Rate
    Insert the budgeted room rate. Here the preferred currency can also be chosen using the drop down box and clicking once on the required currency.
    Presold Packages
    Package elements as mapped from the PMS, can be added by highlighting the element and clicking in the >> to insert as an additional package (not included in the room rate), or as a complimentary package (included in the room rate). Click on Add Presold Packages to view the full description of the package and the cost attached as they are built in the PMS.
    Room Hire
    Insert room hire charge if applicable. The total room hire for the group and for the entire duration is required.
    Profit Margin
    Enter the Profit Margin for the Room Hire. This will allow EzRMS to calculate the full profitability of the group.
    Insert any additional Food and Beverage revenue for the entire group stay as one amount if applicable.
    Profit Margin
    Enter the Profit Margin for F&B. This will allow EzRMS to calculate the full profitability of the group.
  3. After all the details have been entered, click Create Group button to confirm the group creation.
    Note: Should the group require a different number of rooms for every night of stay, under the field 'Number of Rooms' enter the rooms required for the first night, followed by a comma, then the rooms required for the second night, etc. The same is applicable should the number of guests differ every night. Always enter a Proposed Room Rate, as this serves as a basis from which EzRMS is able to quote