Change parameters
This page allows you set the criteria to display the information. You can set these values:
- Last Displayed Day
- This option allows you to select the last day of the period that you would like to display. As the graph looks at historic data, the graph should be read from right to left.
- Detail Level
- This option gives you a unique choice of how you would like to view your information, Not only are you able to look at day by day details, you can also look at and compare weekly and monthly average sand totals. There are 13 different levels of detail that you can select.
- Analysis Type
- Let's you select the information that you would like to display. This list is identical to the list in the menu bar on the left hand side of the screen.
- Day Use
- This option allows you to include Day Use rooms and/or revenue in the analysis.
- Complimentary Rooms
- You can select whether the complimentary rooms must be included in the analysis. You can
set this field to:
- With Complimentary Rooms
- Without Complimentary Rooms
Complimentary Type
If this options is selected, a list of complimentary types is displayed. You can select the required type.
- Display
- This option allows you to choose the view of the graph:
- Detail (default): display stacked columns with dimension details
- Total: one line with cumulate results
- Dimension comparison: one line for each dimension level allows comparison between different dimension criteria.
- Comparison
- This option allows you to overlay up to 4 data comparisons:
- Comparison is possible with previous years' data. The data shown is adjusted by day of week, so that you can compare like for like (Monday to Monday).
- Comparison is also possible with data up to a chosen date.
Click on the generated graph to display a data table with a percentage comparison.
- Second Analysis
- This option allows you to get a second analysis in the same graph. This list is identical to the list in the menu bar on the left hand side of the screen.
- Dimension
- The dimension field works as in previous sections and it allows you to investigate in
more detail. All of the dimensions can be used for historic graphs and "On The Books"
information. Only the Bucket and Market Segment information can be investigated for future
graphs and forecasts. Click the
- Show Default Dimensions
- With Unlimited Criterias
You can select these options:
- Macro Segment
- Market Segment
- Rate Category
- Rate Code
- Source of Business
When selecting any dimension a sub-section will appear, from which you can select any item by clicking on any of the listed elements. Dimensions can be viewed by Top 3, Top 5, etc, or individually. There is also a possibility to create new "special dimensions" using a Macro segments with sub segments for dimensions with a lot of data. This will need to be configured by EzRMS so please contact your local representative for more details. Using Shift and the arrow keys more than one option can be displayed on the same graph. In order to highlight random options of a specific dimension, hold the control key down and right click with your mouse to make your selections. Furthermore this information can be broken down by room category.
icon next to the dimension box, to view these options: - Split
- You can split the information is these two ways:
- Split By Dimension
- Split By Analysis type
- Room Category
- This will always default to "All" room categories but you can select a specific Room Category from the list. Select a room category and click .
- Additional Filter Parameters
- This option allows you to set four levels of Filter Criteria and four levels of Excluded
Criteria, by dimension:
- Filter Criteria: Allows you to analyze certain dimensions in more detail. A good example would be if you would like to see what geographic origin customers from a specific market segment have. Select the Market Segment that you would like to investigate as additional criteria and then select country as dimension.
- Excluded Criteria: Allows you to exclude a certain criteria from your analysis. This will allow you to analyze certain dimensions in more detail. A good example would be if you would like to see the geographic origin of your customers for all macro segments except Corporate. Select the macro segment that you would like to exclude as excluded criteria and then select country as dimension.
Click the
icon next to the fields to see more options to display the dimensions.The Tax field is displayed only for selected pages.
You can select if the tax must be included in the analysis. The options are:- Tax Included
- Tax Excluded
- Tax Only
- Cell Format
- This option gives you the possibility to set the cell format that you want to see when
pasting your analysis into an excel file. The options are:
- With Merge: Some cells will be merged when pasting your analysis in excel.
- Without Merge Except Header: No cells will be merged when pasting your analysis in excel.
- Apply
- Applies the modified parameter settings.