Real-time optimization analyses

Real-time optimization activation adds specific analyses in Infor EzRMS that get updated throughout the day.

Infor EzRMS receives during the night audit details at the granularity of reservations. This allows the system to provide detailed statistics such as rate code, company, travel agent production. Real-time data is captured at a much higher level of granularity as the information is used for optimization rather than analytical purposes.

You can identify these new analyses as they will start with the name “Real-time”:

  • Real-time OTB: Latest on-the-books figures received.
  • Real-time OTB Variations: Changes in the on-the-books that are received since last night audit.
  • Real-time Available to Sell: Latest remaining rooms for sale; this is the property inventory deducting the latest on-the-books and the out of order rooms.

These analysis types are received at the property level directly from the PMS. For display and optimization purposes, Infor EzRMS engine breaks the property level data into the expected distribution by room categories and buckets. This is done based on the historical trends observed.

Users can still select other dimensions in their reports and graphs besides bucket and room category such as rate code. In that case, the change in demand since night audit is reported in "other" as the system does not capture information at this level for real-time data.

Infor EzRMS engines are also calculating the expected range of demand changes considering the most recent business levels. In other words, engines calculate a minimum expected materialization and highest increase in demand. These are exposed to users as sub-analyses to the Real-time OTB analysis:

  • Real-time OTB - Min Materialized: Minimum materialized figures throughout the day
  • Real-time OTB - Max Materialized: Maximum materialized figures throughout the day

These additional analyses can be found in Infor EzRMS under these screens:

  • Reports > Bookings
  • Graphs > Bookings
  • Opportunities > Recommendations
  • Opportunities > Analysis Dashboard
  • Opportunities > Calendar View
  • Dashboards > Day Details