Booking Changes
This allows you to investigate the changes in business on the books that occurred during a specific time period. In other words, you will be able to analyze the business and look at the impact that certain restrictions or promotions have had.
This graph shows the changes in the number of rooms that you were holding on the books in your hotel. It gives you a detailed account of the reservations and cancellations during a specific period of time. You will see that you have both positive as well as negative movement. The negative movement is due to group wash, where a group has reduced its inventory or massive cancellations.
These options in this module display the graphs in regard to booking changes:
- On-the-Books
- Room Contribution
- Occupancy Percentage
- Physical Occupancy %
- Presold
- (Changes of) Presold Contribution
- Presold Contribution of Changes
- (Changes of) ADR
- ADR of changes
- RevPAR
- Physical RevPAR
- (Changes of) Revenue per guest
- Revenue per Guests of Changes
- Total No. of Guests
- Adults and Children
- (Changes of) Avg Guests per room
- Avg Guests per room of changes
- Denials
- Cancellations
- Capacity