This option allows you to set certain Preferences for the system.
The following options can be found:
- Language: This option allows you to select what language you view the system in. By saving the changes, you will be able to see the system in the selected language whenever you log-in, in future. Applying the changes only applies the new language for the current session. As soon as you logout, the selected language will be lost.
- Default Parameters: This option allows you to set various defaults to your specific liking
such as calendar views and graph layouts. You can set the defaults to be like the hotels'
defaults, WebPart defaults, header or allotment defaults or choose your own preferences. The
other types of default parameters list are the following:
- Default WebPart Parameters
- Default Dashboard Parameters
- Default Dimensions: This option allows you to define which Dimensions are shown in your selections as a default. Dimensions are hidden as all the data associated to the dimensions (i.e. all Companies or Travel Agents) need to be loaded into Internet Explorer and because of this it will take more time. By hiding Dimensions you increase the speed at which the screens are loaded.
- Default Alert Analysis: This option allows you to define which Alert Criteria are shown in your selections as a default in the Alert Criteria List.