Defining price floor and ceiling

If you have revenue manager access, then you must use the import functionality to define the floor and ceiling for a room category, period or for days of week.

  1. Click the Import icon to open the Import Price Floor and Ceiling window.
  2. Use the More icon and click the Copy Data To Clipboard button to export the header and the required format for each cell.
  3. Define the required floor and ceiling by period and day of week for each room category.
  4. Copy the header and definition only, and paste this in the input field and click Continue to complete the import.
A success message is displayed, and the screen is updated. If any of the defined elements do not follow the expected format, then an error is raised.
Note:  To adjust the values of the floor and ceiling or to delete lines, you can use the edit functionality. To adjust the start or end date or the days of week, you must use the import functionality.