Price differentials
If you have revenue manager access, then you can specify the room type and guests price difference. In the Recommendations screen, you can manage the price at room category level. The price corresponds to the reference room type and the value for one guest. The prices for the other room types and number of guests are calculated based on this information:
- The saved value in the Recommendations screen
- The price differentials defined in the Price Differentials screen
You can define differentials by period, day or week and price brackets, depending on the pricing structure of the property.
Note: The reference room type is defined as the highest yieldable room
type based on the values of the Rack Rate. You can identify the reference
room type by checking the Reference column in the screen.
The screen shows these details:
- Room Category:
- The room category that each room type is mapped to.
- Room Type:
- The room type for which the price differentials apply to. Reference room types have a superscripted (R).
- From Price:
- The starting price from which the price differentials apply to. The field can be empty, in which case, it is considered as zero. If you have revenue manager access, then you can define different price differentials depending on the rate sold.
- From:
- The start date of the period for which the price differentials apply to.
- To:
- The end date of the period for which the price differentials apply to.
- DOW:
- The days of week for which the definition applies to. Note: The field can be empty, in which case the definition applies to all days of week.
- Room Type Price Dif. (1 Guest):
- The price difference for each room type defined at property level.
- Price Dif. 1&2 Guests:
- The price supplement for two guests occupancy compared to the one guest price of the room type. The field can be empty if the room type is not priced for two guests.
- Price Dif. 1&3 Guests:
- The price supplement for three guests occupancy compared to the one guest price of the room type. The field can be empty if the room type is not priced for three guests.
- Price Dif. 1&4 Guests:
- The price supplement for four guests occupancy compared to the one guest price of the room type. The field can be empty if the room type is not priced for four guests.