Solution enhancements

Price Value Recommendations

Note: This is an update to the enhancement detailed in the 2022.01 release.

The Price Value Recommendations functionality has been enhanced with these features:

  • Define the priority of each room type in Settings > Room Types.
  • Define the floor and ceiling for the highest yieldable room type per room category.
  • Define the price differentials between room types (in figures or percentages) and between the number of guests directly in Infor EzRMS.
  • In the Recommendations screen, you can now edit the recommendations when filtering on days of the week and room categories.

A new Room Type Price Differential is available in the Settings menu. In this screen, you can define the floor and ceiling for the highest yieldable room type per room category. The floor is the lowest price that can be optimized by the engine, whereas the ceiling is the highest price that can be optimized. In the Manage Default, the Floor Ceiling will be applied for the full forecast horizon of the property .You can now define the different floor and ceiling by period or day of week using the Manage Exception functionality, depending on the pricing structure of each property.

If you have revenue manager access, you can specify the room type and guest price difference in the new Room TypePrice Differentials screen.

You continue to manage the price at the room category level. The price corresponds to the reference room type and the value for one guest (single) in the Recommendations screen.

The prices for the other room types and the number of guests are calculated based on this information:

  • The saved value in the Recommendations screen at the room category level.
  • The price differentials defined in the Room Type Price Differentials screen. You can define differentials by period, by the day of week and by price brackets, depending on the pricing structure of the property.

Note: The reference room type is defined as the highest yieldable room type based on the values of the Rack Rate. To identify the reference room type, you can check the Reference column in Settings > Room Type.

When the Price Value functionality is enabled, in the Recommendations screen you can now apply filters on one or multiple room categories and days of week. With the revenue manager access, you can edit the Recommendations in the Recommendations screen when filters are applied. If a filter is applied to one or multiple room categories, the changes are saved for the full day and all room types are included in the upload.

Note: The Floor and Ceiling screen is deprecated and replaced by the new Room Type Price Differentials.