Reviewing the list of inbound BODs

On the Inbound BODs page, you can review the list of inbound BODs.

To review the list:

  1. Select Master Data > Inbound BODs.
  2. Review this information:
    BOD Type
    This field shows the type of inbound BOD.
    This field indicates whether the BOD has been processed.
    Accounting Entity
    The accounting entity is a corporation or a subset of a corporation. The accounting entity is independent in regard to one or more operational functions or accounting functions. An accounting entity produces a P&L and balance sheet from a complete, balanced set of transactions, and is often a legal entity. An accounting entity is defined within a tenant and can contain locations.
    Created By
    The field shows the user who created the data.
    Creation Date
    The field indicates the creation date and time of the data.
    Last Update User
    The field shows the user who performed the last update.
    Last Update Date
    The field shows the date of the last update.