Viewing the receive list

  1. Select TRANSACTION > Receive List.
  2. Review this information:
    This field shows the ID of the received file.
    In this field you can specify a date range for the received files.
    DSN/Virtual File Name
    This field shows the virtual file name of the received file.
    The Partner field and the Unit field are used as a unique identifier. The Partner field has nine digits.
    Status Description
    Archived The receive file has been archived, that is, it has been moved to another directory.
    Available A sub job category, HTTP, is waiting for the subsequent processing by the HTTP adapter.
    Conversion Problem An error occurred during the ASCII/EBCDIC conversion.
    Decrypted The receive file was decrypted correctly.
    Decryption Error The decryption failed.
    Failed A send job created for the sub job could not be sent.
    No Routing A subsequent processing entry has been found for the received file. However, the assigned routing program cannot be found.
    No Subsequent Processing No received file subsequent processing entry could be found for the related partner.
    Routed The file belonging to the sub job has been routed.
    Send Job Deleted A send job created for the sub job has been deleted.
    Sent A send job created for the sub job has been sent.
    SP Completed Subsequent processing of all the sub jobs belonging to the receive file has been completed.
    SP in Process Subsequent processing of the sub jobs belonging to the received file is in process.
    Supplied A sub job category, HTTP, has been delivered by the HTTP adapter.
    Waiting for Routing The status of a sub job has been reset and is waiting to be processed by the routing module.
    Waiting for SP Receive Job: The status of a received file has been reset and is waiting for subsequent processing.

    Sub Job: The status of a sub job has been reset and is waiting for XRV subsequent processing.