Creating a search pattern

  1. Select COMMUNICATION > File Scanner.
  2. In the Search Pattern section, click New.
  3. Specify this information:
    Select this check box to enable a search pattern and to start processing.
    Network Access with Authentication
    If this option is enabled, you can access network shares that require authentication. Upon activation, these fields are editable: Domain, Username, and Password.
    Search pattern
    Specify the search pattern with which to search for files. The search pattern may contain variables.

    If you use variables in the search pattern, you can use parts of the path or file name to determine the partner for whom the send job is to be created.

    Example: The files to be sent are stored in the C:\ EDI_OUT folder. The file names all begin with the name of the recipient, followed by a counter, for example, PARTNER1_001.out, PARTNER2_001.out. If the partners are created in accordance with the recipient's name in the file name, the send orders can be created using a single search pattern.

    Specify the domain for the registration of network shares.
    User Name
    Enter the user name to register for network approval.
    Enter the password to register for network approval.
    Specify the processing type for found files. You can select SKRIPT or MAKEQ.
    AutoEx Destination URI
    Specify the AutoEx partner URI for the identification of the partner to whom you want to send the found files.

    The AutoEx destination URI is composed as follows:


  4. Click OK.