Creating a master shipment-related workflow

The printing of the master bill of lading includes tasks that are not part of the standard workflow. Therefore, you must configure a workflow that specifies these tasks.

This additional workflow must correspond with the shipper level workflow that is configured for the trading partner for which you want to implement the master bill of lading process.

To create a workflow on the master shipment level:

  1. Select Administrative Functions > Manage Codes.
  2. Enter TradingPartners in the Name field.
  3. Click Drill down to open the code list.
  4. Click Drill down to open the desired trading partner.
    For automotive business processes, ensure that Automotive is selected in Workflow Name field on Manage Code Properties.
  5. Select Shipping > Configuration > Workflows.
  6. Click Create.
  7. Specify this information:
    Effective from Date
    This field shows the first day on which a record or a setting is valid. The settings are valid until the Effective to Date.
    Workflow Name
    This field contains the name of the workflow. A workflow summarizes tasks that can be assigned to groups of customers. With the Automotive workflow, for example, CarrierRoute BOD and Shipment BOD trigger the creation of a shipper. The Automotive workflow uses these tasks: Printing labels for single containers, Printing labels for master containers, Printing the packing slip, Printing the waybill, Publishing the ASN, Printing the EDI waybill, Archiving the shipper
    Note: The Workflow Name that you specify in this field must be identical with the workflow name in the trading partner's master data.
    Specify Master Shipment Level.
    Review or provide a one-line description, note, or remark.
    Effective to Date
    This field shows the last day on which a record or a setting is valid. See Effective from Date.
    Accounting Entity

    For each user, one or more accounting entities can be configured in the security administration. For a specific user, you must set one of these accounting entities as default accounting entity.

    Each transaction belongs to this default accounting entity of the user. The user can alter the default accounting entity using the Accounting Entity combo box.

    The user can view the data of the default and all other assigned accounting entities.

  8. Click Save.
  9. On the Workflow List page, click Drill down to open the desired trading partner.
  10. Click Edit.
  11. In the Task section, click Create.
  12. Add the Print Waybill task code and select Automatic as task type.
  13. Add the Publish ASN task code and select Automatic as task type.
  14. Click Save.