Creating a send job

  1. Select TRANSACTION > Send Queue.
    Optionally, you can open this dialog by dragging the transmission file. In this case, the transmission file is shown in the File section.
  2. Click New.
  3. In the Partner area, select the receiver. Depending on the selected partner, different tabs are displayed. This task describes how to create a send job for an OFTP partner.
    Note: For all protocols except OFTP you must select an outgoing DSN. Click Plus to show the partner's available DSNs.
  4. Optionally, click New in the File section to add one or more transmission files. For each send file, a transmission order will be created.
  5. On the OFTP tab, specify this information:
    Note: The fields that are displayed depend on the selected DSN/partner.
    Specify an Originator SFID, that is a local sender address.
    Specify the destination SFID which serves as the target address at the partner’s side.
    Virtual file name
    Specify the OFTP file name agreed upon.
    Note: "*" means that all names are allowed.
    Specify a comment on this OFTP file name. The comment is not transmitted.
    Virtual file name description (send by SFID)
    You can specify a description of the virtual file name and the data type. This information is transmitted with the SFID.
    Specify a record format.
    • U: records of undefined length
    • F: records of fixed length
    • V: records of variable length
    • T: test format
    • W: passed in forwarding orders (from parent order)
    Record length
    Specify the maximum record length for records that have a fixed or variable length or are in text format. For all other record types, the field is left blank or contains a 0.
  6. Click Send.