Master Data


This code list includes the defined BOD noun names for the import of master data from the ERP system.

  • CarrierParty: BOD noun for the import of carrier master data from the ERP system.
  • ContactParty: BOD noun for the import of contact master data from the ERP system.
  • CustomerPartyMaster: BOD noun for the import of customer master data from the ERP system.
  • ItemMaster: BOD noun for the import of item master data from the ERP system.
  • ShipToPartyMaster: BOD noun for the import of ship to master data from the ERP system.
Note:  BODNounNames is a system code list that must not be changed.


This code list includes the defined business party types:

  • Customer
  • Supplier
Note:  BusinessPartyTypes is a system code list that must not be changed.


This code list includes the data types for code list properties.

Note: The CodeListDataTypes code list is a system code list that must not be changed. The code list is stored in the system tenant.


This code list includes the display types that are used to define the field width in the Manage Code List Properties.


This code list includes the Java class fetchers for codes and properties. Java classes are used to retrieve the valid codes and properties of a code list. For example, in the code list TimeZones the Java class fetcher provides only valid time zones. You can select these time zones from the drop-down list Name in the Manage Code Properties dialog.

These Java class fetchers are implemented:

  • AccountingEntityFetcher: Fetcher for accounting entities
  • BODNounNameFetcher: Fetcher for BOD noun names
  • DateTimeZoneFetcher: Fetcher for date/time zones
  • ParameterStringFetcher: Fetcher for the "parameter" code
Note: This code list must not be changed. The code list is stored in the system tenant.


This code list includes the predefined search hierarchy for tenant, accounting entity, and location. This search hierarchy structure is used, for example, to determine the time zone of the application.

Note: The CodeListHierarchyAE code list is a system code list that must not be changed. The code list is stored in the system tenant.


This code list includes the predefined search hierarchy for tenant and accounting entity without location. This search hierarchy structure is used, for example, for job declarations that configure jobs running on that hierarchy level.

Note: The CodeListHierarchyAEWithoutLocation code list is a system code list that must not be changed. The code list is stored in the system tenant.


This code list includes the predefined search hierarchy for the Carrier Interface Processing.

Note: The CodeListHierarchyCarrierExchange code list is a system code list that must not be changed. The code list is stored in the system tenant.


This code list includes the predefined search hierarchy for tenant, accounting entity, accounting entity ship to, and old ship to ID. This search hierarchy structure is used, for example, to determine the time zone of the shipment or shipper.

Note: The CodeListHierarchyCustomer code list is a system code list that must not be changed. The code list is stored in the system tenant.


This code list includes the predefined search hierarchy for tenant, accounting entity, accounting entity ship to, customer ID, and old ship to ID.

Note: The code list CodeListHierarchyCustomerShipTo is a system code list that must not be changed. The code list is stored in the system tenant.


This code list includes the predefined search hierarchy for tenants.

Note: The code list CodeListHierarchyTenant is a system code list that must not be changed. The code list is stored in the system tenant.


This code list includes the predefined search hierarchy for trading partners

Note: The code list CodeListHierarchyTradingPartner must not be changed. The code list is stored in the system tenant.


This code list configures the import and export of text that must be localized in the application.

Property values:

  • Export Folder: Defines the path to the folder where the export file for I18N texts from the application is stored. In an automotive environment, the default path is AUTOCONNECT_HOME/amd/localisation/export. The value is set automatically by the installation procedure.
  • Export File Name: Defines the file name, with no file extension, for exporting I18N texts. Default file name is I18N_amd. This value is for internal use only and must not be set in a customer environment.
  • Language Code for Exported Files: Defines the language code for exported files. This value is for internal use only and must not be set in a customer environment.
  • Import Path: Defines the path to the folder where the import files are stored. In an automotive environment, the default path is AUTOCONNECT_HOME/amd/localisation/. This value is for internal use only and must not be set in a customer environment.
  • Import Supported Languages: Defines the supported file language extensions: _de,_en_US,_es,_fr,_it,_ja,_nl,_zh_CN,_zh_TW,_cs,_hu,_pl,_ko,_pt,_pt_BR,_ru . This value is for internal use only and must not be set in a customer environment.
Note: The code list is stored in the system tenant.


This code list includes the functional areas that are used in the application.

Note: The code list CodeListModules is a system code list that must not be changed. The code list is stored in the system tenant.


This code list includes the Java class validators for codes in the application.

Java classes that are defined in the code lists CodeListValidatorsForCodes and CodeListValidatorsForProperties are used to check and validate codes and code values. For example, the Cron Expression Validator is used in the code list PublishFrequencies to check codes of Cron expressions. These codes control in which cycles messages are automatically transformed by Transformation Services. Another example is the time zone validator of the code list TimeZones that checks whether a specified code is a valid time zone.

Property values:

Class Name: Java class for the validation of codes.

Note: The code list CodeListValidatorsForCodes is a system code list that must not be changed. The code list is stored in the system tenant.


This code list includes the Java class validators for properties in the application.

Java classes that are defined in the code lists CodeListValidatorsForCodes and CodeListValidatorsForProperties are used to check and validate codes and code values. For example, the Cron Expression Validator is used in the code list PublishFrequencies to check codes of Cron expressions. These codes control in which cycles messages are automatically transformed by the Transformation Services. Another example is the time zone validator of the code list TimeZones that checks whether a specified code is a valid time zone.

Property values:

Class Name: Java class for the validation of properties.

Note: The code list CodeListValidatorsForProperties is a system code list that must not be changed. The code list is stored in the system tenant.


ImportMasterData: This code list controls the master data BODs that are imported automatically by the application. You can activate these BOD imports:

  • CarrierParty: Controls the import of carrier master data from the ERP system.
  • ContactMaster: Controls the import of contact master data from the ERP system.
  • CustomerPartyMaster: Controls the import of customer master data from the ERP system.
  • ItemMaster: Controls the import of item master data from the ERP system.
  • ShipToPartyMaster: Controls the import of ship to master data from the ERP system.
Note: If the automatic BOD import is enabled, the creation of master data is not allowed.


This code list defines the configuration of the job JTDSFileCleaner that cleans the temporary jTDS files.

  • Name: Defines the name of the JTDSFileCleaner job configuration. The JTDSFileCleaner job entry that has the name "parameter" is used as the default job configuration.
  • Active: Activates the job declaration. The Job Manager Service automatically creates a job instance for each active job declaration. You can define a job declaration on accounting entity level.
  • Job Trigger Type: Specifies the job type that triggers the scheduled job. By default, the job is a Cron job.
    • Cron Job: The job is started and controlled by a Cron expression.
    • Simple Job: The job runs once or runs permanently with a scheduled job frequency in milliseconds.
  • Scheduled Job Frequency: Defines the Cron expression for the JTDSFileCleaner job. To automate the cleaning of temporary jTDS files, this job can be started periodically. We recommend that you run the job once a day. The default Cron expression is 0 0 23 1/1 * ? *. The jTDS file cleaning runs at 11:00 PM every day.
  • Repeat Count for Simple Trigger Jobs: Defines whether a job of type Simple Job runs permanently or only once:
    • -1: If the run interval is -1, the job is started automatically and runs permanently. For example, the job MessageImportFromEXS is of type Simple Job. The job is started automatically and runs permanently in contrast to a Cron job.
    • Greater than -1: If the run interval is greater than -1, the job can only be started manually and run once.
  • Job User: Defines the user that is used to run the JTDSFileCleaner job. By default, the user is SystemUser.
  • Log Retention Time (Days): Defines the number of days to keep the jTDS cache files. By default, internal log files are kept for 1 day.
Note: The JobJTDSFileCleaner code list is stored and can only be managed in the system tenant.


This code list defines the configuration of the TomcatLogFileCleaner job that cleans the internal Tomcat system log files.

  • Name: Defines the name of the TomcatLogFileCleaner job configuration. The TomcatLogFileCleaner job entry that has the name "parameter" is used as the default job configuration.
  • Active: Activates the job declaration. The Job Manager Service automatically creates a job instance for each active job declaration. You can define a job declaration on accounting entity level.
  • Job Trigger Type: Specifies the job type that triggers the scheduled job. By default, the job is a Cron job.
    • Cron Job: The job is started and controlled by a Cron expression.
    • Simple Job: The job runs once or runs permanently with a scheduled job frequency in milliseconds.
  • Scheduled Job Frequency: Defines the Cron expression for the TomcatLogFileCleaner job. To automate the application log cleaning, this job can be started periodically for jakarta_service, stdout, and stderr. We recommend that you run the job once a day. The default Cron expression is 0 0 10 * * ?. The Tomcat log cleaning runs at 10:00 AM every day.
  • Repeat Count for Simple Trigger Jobs: Defines whether a job of type Simple Job runs permanently or only once:
    • -1: If the run interval is -1, the job is started automatically and runs permanently. For example, the job MessageImportFromEXS is of type Simple Job. The job is started automatically and runs permanently in contrast to a Cron job.
    • Greater than -1: If the run interval is greater than -1, the job can only be started manually and run once.
  • Job User: Defines the user that is used to run the TomcatLogFileCleaner job. By default, the user is SystemUser.
  • Log Retention Time (Days): Defines the number of days to keep the internal Tomcat system log files. By default, internal log files are kept for 10 days.
  • Delete Files by Pattern: Defines the file name pattern of the internal Tomcat system log files that must be deleted.
Note: The JobTomcatLogFileCleaner code list is stored and can only be managed in the system tenant.


This code list includes the general description codes for the carrier transport means for delivering goods.

You can edit these property values:

  • X12 Code: X12 code of the transportation means.
  • EDIFACT Code: EDIFACT code of the transportation means.
  • VDA Code: VDA code of the transportation means.
Note: This code list must not be changed.


This code list contains the update modes that are used to update master data in the application. These update modes are available:

  • Always Update Target Field (not editable): The master data field is always updated by the imported data. The field cannot be edited in the detail view of the Manage Item Master, Manage Customer Master, Manage Carrier Master, Manage Ship To Master, or Manage Contact Master pages in the application.
  • Never Update Target Field (editable): The master data field is never updated by the imported data. You can edit the field in the detail view of the Manage Item Master, Manage Customer Master, Manage Carrier Master, Manage Ship To Master, or Manage Contact Master pages in the application and change it as required.
  • No Update if Source Field is Empty (editable): If the imported master data field is empty, the master data field is not updated. You can edit the field in the detail view of the Manage Item Master, Manage Customer Master, Manage Carrier Master, Manage Ship To Master, or Manage Contact Master pages in the application and change it as required.
  • Only Update if Target Field is Empty (editable): If the master data field is empty, the field is updated by the imported data. You can edit the field in the detail view of the Manage Item Master, Manage Customer Master, Manage Carrier Master, Manage Ship To Master, or Manage Contact Master pages in the application and change it as required.