Managing a scheduled job

Note: Certain actions for scheduled jobs such as Trigger Now, Stop, and Resume are requests to remote servers. After performing the action on a job, the jobs table must be refreshed. It takes some time until the information shown on the Manage Scheduled Jobs page is updated.

To manage a scheduled job:

  1. Select Administrative Functions > Manage Scheduled Jobs.
  2. To trigger a job immediately, select the job in the list and select Trigger Now from the drop-down list on the upper bar of the page. Click Submit and click OK, to confirm the action.
    The status of the job in the Last Reported Status column changes to Running. The field Last Run is only set after the job has been triggered at a scheduled date and time. The field Next Run shows the date and time of the next scheduled job run, if the job is a Cron job.
  3. To stop a job, select the running job in the list and select Stop from the drop-down list on the upper bar of the page. Click Submit and click OK, to confirm the action.
    The status of the job in the Last Reported Status column changes to Stopped.
  4. To resume a job, select the stopped job in the list and select Resume from the drop-down list on the upper bar of the page. Click Submit and click OK, to confirm the action.
    The status of the job in the Last Reported Status column changes to Running again.
  5. To update the configuration of a job, select the job and select Update Configuration from the drop-down list on the upper bar of the page. This command updates the configuration of multiple instances of the job and restarts the job, if the job is controlled by a Cron expression. Click Submit and click OK, to confirm the action.
    Note: An update of the job configuration can be required, if a configuration error is shown in the Last Reported Status column. In this case, edit the job configuration in the detail view of the Manage Codes page as required. Load the new job configuration on the Manage Scheduled Jobs page. The updated configuration is immediately used for running the job without restarting the server. The new status is shown in the Last Reported Status column.